MagneticalloyElectricalloyElasticalloy 磁性合金电性合金弹性合金 Vibration-reducingalloy减振合金 Shapememoryalloy形状记忆合金 Hydrogen-storagealloy储氢合金 1 Developmentinmoderntimes 金属间化合物材料 Intermetalliccompounds 金属基复合材料 Metalbasecomposites Teachingaim:Understandoftheregularityof theeffectonperformance...
2、classification based on the performance structure materials 超硬材料 Super-hard Materials 高温结构材料 High-Temperature Structural Materials 高强高韧材料 High strength and high toughness material … functional materials 半导体 Semiconductor 超导体 Superconductor 磁性材料 Magnetic materials 光电材料 Optoelectron...
3)J.S.Miller和M.Drillon编著《Magnetism:Moleculesto Materials》(I-V),Wiley-VCH出版 3)K.H.J.Buschow和F.R.deBoer著《Physicsof Magnetismand 4)MagneticMaterials》 5)KluwerAcademic/PlenumPublishers 出版 8 1.古希腊:Magnesianstone相互吸引 古希腊地名,今土耳其西 部 磁铁矿 Fe 3 O 4 magnet:中世纪...
27、ticles on substrate (how do they condense ?) How do the variables effect film structure and properties ?第33页/共39页薄膜科学的基本概念薄膜科学的基本概念涉及的物理内容:q thermodynamics and kinetics phase transition - gas condenses to solid nucleation growth kinetics activated processes desorptio...
大表面积、催化剂颗粒高度分散不会聚集 Graphene communicating platform has the ability to store and transfer electrons to different locations on the platform due to its redox properties. having two different catalyst particles in different locations on the same sheet can provide greater versatility for ...
A new structure using finger-shaped magnetic vias has been introduced resulting in > 30% Q-factor increase. On-chip RF spiral and stripline inductors were fabricated and enhancements of 9.1X in inductance and 4X in quality factor with good frequency response were obtained. Optimizing finger-shaped...
过渡金属氧化物材料PPT课件 SeminarI(2008.5.27)ResearchProgressofOrderedMesoporousTransition-MetalOxidesMaterials 指导教师:申文杰研究员研究生:郭小惠 Outline IntroductionPhylogeny&Property ApplicationsMainlyinCatalytic OMTMO 2 Synthesis Mechanism&Methodology OutlookChallenge Introduction---phylogeny 1992Periodic...
49、wly is less liable to have these internal stresses than metal which cools quickly.,1.2Heat Treatment of Steel,On the other hand, we can make steel harder by rapid cooling. We heat it up beyond the critical temperature, and then quench it in water or some other liquid.,1.2Heat Treatme...