2022/6/15 1 现代投资银行 Modern Investment bank 1 2022/6/15 2 Ch0 序:主题与要求 Preface 2 2022/6/15 3 对象:投资银行及其业务 Investment Bank, IB. 是金融中介机构 也可以理解为投资银行业务(Banking) 就机构而言,不同于商业银行 根基于证券业务,业务发展迅速 知识...
(这年头收购合并的金额也不比IPO小啊)这两种业务合起来,就是让绝大多数商学院学生为之疯狂的投行IBD部门(IBD是 Investment Banking Department的缩写)。 随着时代的变化,投资银行不断加入了新的部门,因此广义的投资银行还包括了:财富管理(给超级有钱人的私人理财服务),资产管理(管理企业年金、社保基金等等),研究...
Ltd (证券公司) 1.2 罗伯特?库恩对投资银行的定义: (Robert L.Kuhn, Investment Banking) 1 广义定义 指经营华尔街金融业务的所有金融机构;业务包括:证券、保险、不动产等所有的金融业务。 2 较广义定义 指经营所有资本市场业务的金融机构;业务包括:证券承销、公司财务、兼并与收购、基金管理和风险投资,但向散户...
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banking PPT M10_Mishkin599969_02_C10 Chapter10 BankingandtheManagementofFinancialInstitutions Copyright©2010PearsonAddison-Wesley.Allrightsreserved.TheBankBalanceSheet •Liabilities –Checkabledeposits–Nontransactiondeposits–Borrowings–Bankcapital Copyright©2010PearsonAddison-Wesley.Allrightsreserved.10-2 The...
Banking charges 银行手续费 The price charged for banking services Private banking business 私人银行业务 Private banking is banking, investment and other financial services provided by banks to private individuals who invest sizable assets. The term private refers to customer service rendered on a more...
A Treatise on Money[M]. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1930. Thank you Financial English 金融专业英语 Money 01 Central Bank 02 Commercial Bank 03 Investment Bank 04 Securities 05 Insurance 06 Foreign Exchange 07 International Settlement 08 International Financing 09 Financial Derivatives 10...
11、 MARCUS 1-15 Universal Bank Activities Investment Banking Underwrite new stock and bond issues Sell newly issued securities to public in the primary market Investors trade previously issued securities among themselves in the secondary markets Commercial Banking Take deposits and make loans INVESTMEN ...
Internal structure bodyExecutive body 2ofCommercialBanksStructureofcommercialbanks Supervisorybody Unitbanking ExternalstructureBranchbanking Commercialbanks’balancesheetCash Loans Commercialbanks’Balance-sheet Assets SecuritiesOtherassets CorrespondentbankingBank-holdingcompanies 3 businesses Deposits businesses ...