英文版医院感染控制PPT课件 TargetedSurveillanceforNosocomialInfections BarbaraM.Soule,RN,MPA,CIC ChineseSocietyforNosocomialInfections July4-5,2004 Suzhou.,China 1 ICPractitioner(ICP)Activities OutbreakInvestigation Education Surveillance Program Management .Miscellaneous Consultation 2 SurveillancehasanEpidemiologic...
Impact of bacterial biological control agents on fumonisin B1 content and Fusarium verticillioides infection of field-grown maize 热度: Guidelines for the Safe Packing and Handling of Cargo to and from Offshore Location 热度: Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and … ...
infection, inflammation, and atherosclerosis:infection,炎症与动脉粥样硬化 SARS Infection Control HIV INFECTION AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Surgical infection外科感染 Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection prevention and control of infection in healthcare guideline on congenital CMV infection Infection in Oral ...
* * ,美国卫生保健组织 鉴定联合委员会(The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health care Organization ,JCAHO) 于20 世纪70 年代就提出了质量控 制(Quality Control) 的概念。到了90 年代质量管理有了新的 飞跃,即全面质量管理( TQMS) 和持续质量改进(Continuous quality improvement ,CQI) 它强调了监督...
(28天), 间歇导尿, 耻骨上引流 阴茎套引流,导尿的方式,感染途径,导尿口细菌移行,接口污染,接口污染,接口污染,导尿管相关尿路感染的危险因素,尿路感染的危险因素 导管的长期留置 女性 老年人 导管引流系统未保持密闭状态 并发血流感染的危险因素 粒细胞减少 肾脏疾病 男性,2015-7,1.Hooton TM, Bradley SF, ...
ON/IN PATIENTS ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACESDISINFECTION CLEANING 超级细菌出现/MDRO泛滥, 我们需要改变什么呢? •接触传播的隔离 –手卫生:洗手液、抗菌洗手液、手消毒液 –医院环境消毒:手接触的物表 –隔离衣、口罩与手套 –隔离 –多重耐药菌主动筛查与去污染 ...
多重耐药菌感染的预防与控制PPT课件 耐药菌的难题,远不止NDM-1!•MRSA•PDR-不动杆菌•铜绿假单胞菌•艰难梭菌•VRE•ESBL,KPC,NDM-1•多重耐药结核分枝杆菌 多重耐药菌感染的预防与控制PPT课件 什么是多重耐药菌?•多重耐药菌(Multidrug-ResistantOrganism,MDRO),主要是指对临床使用的三类或...
Infection Control Nurse and Hospital Epidemiologist meet with Board 09/30/02 Members to discuss ortho surgical wound infections Orthopedic infections on Ortho 09/16/02 Dept. Meeting agenda, discussion deferred 06/24/02 8 9 Recommendations ➢ Employ chlorhexadine 4% / isopropyl alcohol as skin pr...
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