1、1 Good afternoon everyone!2DIET AND HEALTH3Health is more important than wealth.Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.On the contrary,poor health leads to nothing.How can we keep healthy?Here is some advice.Firstly,it is very important for...
Healthismoreimportantthanwealth.Goodhealthenablesustoenjoyourlifeandachievewhatwehopeforinourcareer.Onthecontrary,poorhealthleadstonothing.Howcanwekeephealthy?Hereissomeadvice.Firstly,itisveryimportantforustotakemorefruitsandvegetables,becausetheyprovidevitamins,andwehavetokeepabalanceddiet.4 Soweshouldavoidfood...
健康与饮食(英文版).PPT,* 大家好 Good afternoon everyone! * DIET AND HEALTH * Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing. How can
be / go on a diet 节食 Mary always seems to be on a diet. 玛丽似乎总是在节食。 When I go on a diet, I eat only cucumbers, and that reduces my weight quickly. 我节食的时候只吃 黄瓜,迅速减轻了体重。 【备考指导】 be / go on a diet在听力、单选和阅读中常出现。 I finally decided...
Withtheriskofprecisionnutrition,personalizeddieswillcomemorecommonTheconceptofdiseasefreeeatingwillcomemorepopular,emphasizingtheuseofwholefoodandavoidingprocessedfoodThetrendofplant-basedeatingwillcontinuetogrow,withmorepeopleOutlookonFutureHealthDiets 感谢观看THANKS 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您...
,基础写作训练 How to keep fit,Brainstorm,What vocabulary and expressions about diet can you remember Do you still remember som
•OverviewofHealthandWellnes•Basicknowledgeofhealthand•Healthydieandnutrition•Healthyexerciseandexercise 01 OverviewofHealthandWellnes Definitionandstandardsofhealthandwellness Definition Thestateofphysical,mental,andsocialwellbeing,ratherthansimplytheabsenceofdiseaseorconfirmation Standards Basedonthelatest...
regulation, transport of nutrients, removal of waste Not a source of energy (calories) 8 glasses (half gallon) a day Read labels on bottled waters Bloomington city water is safe to drink “Normal eating is being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until you are satisfied…...