Fiscal policy can influence the quantity of goods supplied. 财政政策对总供给的影响 Changes in government purchases may affect supply. If the government increases spending on capital projects or education, the productive ability of the economy is enhanced, shifting aggregate supply to the right. A ...
Toolsoffiscalpolicy Automaticstabilizers自动稳定装置–aftersettingautomaticimpactoneconomy –Mandatory(obligatory)spending义务花费–Progressive进步的incometax–Transferpayments转移性支付(e.g.unemployment compensation失业补偿金)Discretional任意的measures–one-shotmeasurestorealizechangesineconomy –Changesintaxratesor...
Expansionary fiscal policy shifts the aggregate demand curve rightward; contractionary fiscal policy shifts the aggregate demand curve leftward. 3. Fiscal policy has a multiplier effect on the economy, the size of which depends upon the fiscal policy. Except in the case of lump-sum taxes, taxes...
Fiscal Policy Using taxes and government spending to influence the economy. Fiscal Policy What is unemployment and the types? What effects does unemployment have on the economy? Methods of Fiscal Policy Taxing and Spending. I. Review: Monetary Policy Monetary Policy = Actions by the FED to increa...
PTP课件1 FiscalPolicyⅠ PTP课件2 专业词汇 •Fiscalpolicy: •Prudentfiscalpolicy: •Pro-activefiscalpolicy: •Looseorexpansionarypolicy: •Tightorcontractionarypolicy: •Monetarypolicy •Macroeconomicvariable: •Multipliereffect: 稳健的财政政策 财政政策 积极的财政政策 扩张性财政政策 紧缩性财政政...
Policy:Demand-Side Effects TheGovernmentExpenditureMultiplier Thegovernmentexpendituremultiplieris magnificationeffectofachangeingovernment expenditureongoodsandservicesonaggregate demand. Itworksliketheinvestmentmultiplier. 31.1THEBUDGETANDFISCALPOLICY TheTaxMultiplier Thetaxmultipliermagnificationeffectofachangein taxeson...
to help smooth out some of the volatility of output From 2001-2004 there has been a huge fiscal stimulus to the UK economy through substantial increases in government spending on transport, health and education The Keynesian school argues that fiscal policy can have powerful effects on aggregate ...
1 1.常见的一些政治性术语(terms)2 ❖改革开放:reformandopeningup❖国务院:statecouncil❖政府工作报告:reportontheworkofgovernment❖全国政协:CPPCC(ChinesePeople’sPolitical ConsultativeConference)❖全国人大:NPC(NationalPeople’sCongress)❖党中央:thePartyCentralCommittee❖中国特色社会主义:socialism...
23、r production expenses higher supply surplus lower prices,437,Government Influence on Economic Conditions,438,Monetary Policy Impacts Economic Conditions,Monetary policy Made by the Federal Reserve System “Fed” is the central bank of the U.S. (Greenspan) Decisions by Fed about the money supply...
non-performingloans坏账 low-interestloans低息贷款 VATValueaddedtax(增值税)2024/10/8 认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才能开始对症下药,然后药到病除。近年来国家对扶贫工作高度重视,已经展开了“精准扶贫”项目 5)词语的对义(金融词汇体现得十分明显)bearmarket/bullmarket熊市/牛市fiscalpolicy/monetarypolicy...