Financial instruments Derivative Instruments (衍生工具) Cash instruments (现金工具) The values and characteristics of derivative instruments are based on the vehicle’s underlying components, such as assets, interest rates or indices. The values of cash instruments are influenced and determined by the ...
•Appreciatetheinfluenceofglobalisationon financialmarkets•Categorisethemaintypesoffinancialinstitutions•Understandtheimpactofafinancialcrisisonafinancialsystemandarealeconomy Copyright2003McGraw-HillAustraliaPtyLtdPPTst/aFinancialAccountingbyWillisSlidespreparedbyKayeWatson 4 ChapterOrganisation
54、 settlement methods; (2)The financial instruments that facilitate international payments and settlements; (3)Documents used in international payments and settlements; (4)The currencies used in international payments and settlements; (5)Rules and regulations on international payments and settlements, 55...
财务会计学英文课件:ch5 Internal Control, Cash, and Receivables.ppt,The best way to measure bad debts is by the allowance method. IAS39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement stipulates that loans and receivables, like other financial asse
An equity instrument (or residual claim) obligates the issuer to pay the holder an amount based on earnings after holders of debt instruments are paid. Some securities combine both debt and equity features, such as preferred stock or convertible debt. Price of a Financial Asset and RiskThe ...
Chapter 1 The Investment Environment Investments Financial Assets Essential nature of investment Reduced current consumption Planned later consumption Real Assets Assets used to produce goods and services Financial Assets Claims on real assets Role of Financial Assets and Markets Consumption Timing Allocation ...
•Enron•WorldCom•Collapseofpublicconfidenceincapitalmarkets•Effectsonfinancialreporting –Increasedregulationandcorporategovernance •Sarbanes-OxleyAct –Tightenrulesreoff-balancesheetentities 1-5Copyright©2015PearsonCanadaInc.1.3MarketMeltdowns,2007-2008 •Terminology –Securitization–Financial...
•Effectsonfinancialreporting –Sarbanes-OxleyAct –Moreconservativeaccounting? Copyright©2012PearsonCanadaInc 艺术的感染力最有直接作用就是情感因素了,审美就是主体与美的对象交流感情产生共鸣的过程。情感是人类最能引起共鸣的一种心理感受 1-5 1.3MarketMeltdowns,2007-2008 ...
米什金《货币金融学-英文第12版》PPT课件-货币政策工具 Finance