•Functionalview:asystemofcategoriesbasedonthecommunicativeneedsofthelearnerandproposedasyllabusbasedoncommunicativefunctions.Thefunctionalviewnotonlyseeslanguageasalinguisticsystembutalsoameansfordoingthings.Learnerlearnalanguageinordertobeabletodothingswithit.Viewsonlanguage •Interactionalview:considerslanguagetobea...
Pragmatics broadly defined: the study of language from the point of view of the users, especially of the choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social interaction, and the effects their use of language has on the other participants in an act of communication (...
On the outer layer are the explicit, observable products of the culture such as the language, food, architecture, fashions and art. They are, however, only symbols of deeper layers of culture. Values and norms are the middle layer of culture and more difficult to identify. Norms are the ...
1、A Course on Linguistics for Students of English -Cheng Zhenquan School of Foreign Studies, SCNU,The Goals for this Course,To get a scientific view on language; To understand some basic theories on linguistics; To understand the applications of the linguistic theories, especially in the fields...
1、Unit 19 Language,Language Learning,Lesson 1,Do you think learning English is important for your future? Why? Do you think it is difficult to learn English well? Why or why not?,Discuss,Get ahead with your English,1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recent...
EnglishLanguageTeachingMethodology Unit8TeachingVocabulary 1 Outline Presentation(G7):vocabularyteaching AbriefrevisionofUnit8Unit9TeachingListening 2 Presentation:Mini-demonstrationofvocabularyteaching Designalessonplanforteachingsomenewvocabularyitemstoseniorhighschoolstudents.Focuson(1)≥3effectivewaysofpresentingthe...
questionsContinuation Continuation writingwriting“body language”&“action”show more than tellAssignment Polish up your writing according to what youve learnt.Share your writing with your classmates.Try to learn from your classmates and meantime give some advice on polishing up their writing.Thank you...