商务英语沟通 communication in the workplace Topic3Communicationpractices(1)ChapterThreeCommunicationattheWorkplace工作中的沟通 3questionsbeforejob-hunting •Q1:Pleasemakealistofthefactorsthatyoumayconsiderforyourfirstjoboracompany?(Intheorderofimportance)(Forexample:salary)•Q2:Ifyouareamanager,whatwillyou...
内容提示: . Topic 3 Communication practices (1) Chapter Three Communication at the Workplace 工作中的沟通 文档格式:PPT | 页数:59 | 浏览次数:91 | 上传日期:2020-08-04 07:55:15 | 文档星级: . Topic 3 Communication practices (1) Chapter Three Communication at the Workplace 工作中的沟通 ...
Topic 3 Communication practices (1) Chapter Three Communication at the Workplace 工作中的沟通;3 questions before job-hunting; ; The table summarizes the results of one survey in which 500 managers in a wide range of industries including retail, manufacturing, service, and finance ranked the ...
商务英语沟通communicationintheworkplace.ppt上传人:活*** IP属地:宁夏 上传时间:2021-10-21 格式:PPT 页数:59 大小:5.09MB 积分:20 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩54页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领文档简介...
unit 4 work place communication课件PPT 1 ApproachingWorkplaceWorkplaceCommunicationMiniTextTextSyndicateActivities GrammarReviewAppliedWriting 2 ApproachingWorkplace Task1 Workinpairs.LookatthisorganizationchartofaUnilevercompany.Discusstheresponsibilitiesofthedepartmentslistedbelowandputtherightdepartmentintherightbox.De...
unit4workplacecommunication课件ppt 系统标签: communicationhelenworkunitplacepromotion 1 ApproachingWorkplace WorkplaceCommunication MiniText Text GrammarReview AppliedWriting SyndicateActivities 2 Task1 Workinpairs.LookatthisorganizationchartofaUnilevercompany. Discusstheresponsibilitiesofthedepartmentslistedbelowandput...
1、,WORKSHOP ON EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS,By Prem Chand,Objectives,Define and understand communication and the communication process List and overcome the filters/barriers in a communication process Practice active listening Tips to improve verbal and non verbal communication,What is Communication 2、...
important in today’s workplace? 3. What are some occupations where your ability to communicate is not important? 4. What sort of occupation would you like to have someday? Why are good communication skills important for that occupation? 爱岗就是热爱自己的工作岗位,热爱本职工作,敬业就...
人文英语4(unit 1-5)English for the Humanities 4课件.ppt,人文英语 4 English for the Humanities 4 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 City and Country Life Educational Fairness Unit 5 Quality of Education Legal Complaint Unit 6 Effective Communication Unit 7 Social Work