awareness of the dangers of counterfeit medicines . 齐二药 “亮菌甲素”假药造成9人死亡 假劣药品是造成药害事件 的重要原因之一 16 . 第1 例急性肾功能衰竭病例发生于2006 年4 月24 日 5月1 日, 中山三医院向广州市ADR 中心报告 5月3 日广州市ADR 中心接到正式事件报告 5月9 日零晨,广州市药检所...
药物警戒和用药安全.ppt,药物警戒和用药安全 提纲 n药物警戒旳定义及工作内涵 (The definition and contents of Pharmacovigilence ) n药物不良反应报告和监测 (Adverse drug reaction reporting and monitoring) n药源性伤害(疾病)旳致因分析 (Analysis of causes for
1.The anxious wife was like sitting on pins and needles,and her _a_n__x_ie_t_y_ was so obvious that we all comforted her.(anxious) 2. Unaware of the dangers,the boy walked into the dark room.It was necessary to raise his awareness of safety.(aware) 3.My brother has been collec...
Drug action depends on the tissue conc., which is relatively constant in relation to plasma levels Thus, plasma levels can be used to monitor compliance and toxicity 第四页,共24页 PHARMACOLOGY The two digitalis preparations used in clinical practice today are digoxin and digitoxin ...
to4.If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you'll have no trouble ___ (answer) these questions.5.If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never hesitates ___ (buy) them a meal.6.Yesterday, he...
40%ofMexicanjobsanddrugdealingwithmoreorless. •而一墙之隔的美国,就是墨西哥毒贩们的“衣食父母”,那里的吸毒 者给墨西哥毒贩们带来每年400亿美元的利润,并让40%的墨西哥 人的饭碗和毒品交易或多或少沾上了关系。 .6 • •ontheotherhand,themoneyisbeingusedtopurchasearms ...