DNA的结构 DNA双螺旋结构模型的构建 ConstructionofDNAdoublehelixstructuremodel 沃森(J.D.Wstson)&克里克(F.Crick)卡文迪许实验室 生物学家 物理学家 经典遗传学发展之路 米歇尔:首先发现核酸 科塞尔:核酸含有嘌呤和嘧啶 科塞尔:1910年诺贝尔 生理学与医学奖 科塞尔 A·Kossel1853-1927 (1)1885至1901年间:...
第二节 DNA的结构Structure of DNA.ppt,戊糖 核糖 核酸的元素组成 1、 DNA双螺旋模型的提出 a.研究背景: 1950年,Chargaff从大量的不同来源的DNA样品的分析中发现了DNA组成的当量规律,即A=T,G=C,A+G=C+T。 不同生物种属的DNA碱基组成不同, 同一个体不同器官、不
DNA Structure. KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the same in all organisms. KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the same in all organisms. KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the same in all organisms. DNA Structure. KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the same in all organisms. KEY CONCEPT DNA structure is the sa...
DNA Structure The sugar-phosphate backbone is in an anti-parallel direction. The 5’ and 3’ ends of the backbone are on opposite sides. Each side of a DNA molecule is actually running in the opposite direction. All DNA molecules are built from 5’ to 3’. DNA Structure The 5’ to 3...
英文ThestructureofDNA.ppt,Chapter 2 The structure of DNA Outline 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Primary structure: the components of nucleic acids 2.3 Significance of 5’ and 3’ 2.4 Nomenclature of nucleotides 2.5 The length of RNA and DNA 2.6 Secondary structure
dnapptnucleotidenucleotidesnucleicatpgujrat NucleotideandNucleicAcidNucleotideandNucleicAcid Dr.SajidMehmood AssistantProfessor HeadofDepartment DepartmentofBiochemistry NSMC,UniversityofGujrat Gujrat,Pakistan ChromatinStructureChromatinStructure NucleotidesNucleotides Nucleotidesareubiquitousmolecules withconsiderablestructuraldivers...
1 第一节基因与基因组的概念第二节真核基因组结构 第三节原核基因组结构第四节病毒基因组结构 ppt课件.2 一、基因Gene二、基因组Genome三、基因组结构Structureofgenome四、基因密度Genedensity ppt课件.3 HumanGenome ppt课件.4 一、基因Gene •基因的现代分子生物学定义:合成有功能的蛋白质多肽链或RNA所必需...
ppt课件.5 Themolecularbasisofroundandwrinkledseedofthepeas Randr. thereisamarkeddifferencebetweenthestarchintheround(RRorRr)peas andthewrinkled(rr)ones thestructureofthestarchdependedonthepresenceorabsenceofoneoftwo formsofanenzymecalledthestarch-branchingenzymeI(SBEI). Aseedthatlackstheenzymehasahighersugarco...
1、“Chromatin is the last refuge of scoundrels”,A Mitotic Human Chromosome,DNA length: 4.6 x 107 bp = 1.5 cm Chromosome length: 2 m Compaction ratio = 8000,1,Chromatin,DNA Compaction,DNA Accessibility,NIH,Basic Unit of Chromatin Structure: Polynucleosome,2,Compaction ratio = 6,Limited Micro...