Series DC Circuits (ppt) - CSETSeries Circuits
1、电气工程及其自动化专业英语,苏小林 顾雪平 主编,主讲人:张新慧 Telmail:,2,Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,3,New Words And Phrases,Section 1 Current and Voltage,Notes,4,current 电流 voltage 电压 variable 变量 charge 电荷 circuit 电路 electron 电子(proton质子,neutron中子) positive ...
Chapter 1 Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials7102024Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials1IntroductionThe magnet
CHAPTER2MODELINGOFDCMDC/DCCONVERTER CharacteristicsattheCCM/DCMboundaryAllconvertersmayoperateinDCMatlightloadSteady-stateoutputvoltagebecomesstronglyload-dependentDynamicsinDCMmodeisdifferenttoCCMmodeWeneedequivalentcircuitsthatmodelboththesteady-stateandsmallsignalacmodelsofconvertersoperatinginDCM. ThenDCMmodeCCMDCMBuc...
Chapter 1 Basic Components and Electric Circuits 1.1 Systems of Units. 1.2 Electric Quantities 1.3 Circuit Elements 1.4 Ohm’s Law and Linear Resistor 1.5 Summary and Review 21.1 System of Units (1)Seven basic units Quantity Length Mass Time Electric current Thermodynamic temperature Amount of ...
15、-18Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits. (a) Electric circuit, (b) magnetic circuit.Figure 1-4Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.1-19 Kirchhoffs Law in Magnetic Circuit0321 0Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission ...
RC Circuits Initially, the capacitor is uncharged. What is the current in the circuit when the switch is closed; that is, at t = 0? How does the current change over time? What is the charge stored on the capacitor at t = 0? How does the charge change over time?
Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study 12 4 Words and Phrases A. Look up the words and phrases below in a dictionary. Fill in the blanks with both Chinese and English answers according to the pictures. wave; charger; rectifier; PCB; oscilloscope; signal 1.___ 2.___ 3.___ char...
9、field intensity (Ampere-turns per meter) B=magnetic flux density/ intensity of magnetic induction =magnetic permeabilitynetIdlHcclNiHNiHlHBclNiHB Magnetic flux Magnetomotive Magnetic reluctanceAdABclNiABABAmRFAlRcmAnalogy between electric and magnetic circuits. (a) Electric circuit, (b) magnetic cir...