先天性心脏病 congenital heart disease.ppt,血液检查 红细胞的计数和血红蛋白浓度增高 RBC可达5.0~8.0×1012/L Hb达170g~200g/L 红细胞压积也增高 为53~80% 血小板降低 凝血酶原时间延长 TOF 6m, TOF. Tall R in V1, Upright T V1-V3, aVR, R/Q1 TOF 心尖上翘 心腰凹陷
先天性心脏病CongenitalheartdiseaseCHD先天性心脏病_1 DEFINITION 先天性心脏病是胎儿时期心脏血管发育异常而致的畸形Anabnormalityincardiocirculatorystructureorfunctionthatispresentatbirth,evenifitisdiscoveredmuchlater.___HeartDisease,Brauwnwald先天性心脏病_1 INCIDENCE...
先天性心脏病congenital heart d isease主讲: 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult Acyanotic 1. Atrial Septal Defect 2.Patent Foramen Ovale 3.Bicuspid aortic valve 4.Ventricular septal defect 5.Valvular pulmonary stenosis 6.Coarctation of the aorta Cyanotic Patient 1. Eisenmenger’s syndrome 2. Tetralogy of Fallot 3. Transposition of the grea...
congenital heart disease and offers advantages over echocardiography in demonstrating anomalies involving the great vessels. Computed tomography Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) MRI provides information similar to that provided by CT. ...
《儿科学精品教学资料》congenital heart disease and interventional procedure 热度: 【医学ppt课件】冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease(177p) 热度: 【高血压英文PPT精品课件】 Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease 热度: ...
4、 Disease ECHOValvular Heart DiseaseCongenital Heart DiseaseElectrocardiogramEmphysemaPulmonary Fibrosis Chest X-RayCystic FibrosisThoracic Cage Abnormalities PFTsSleep Disordered Breathing Sleep StudyChronic Thromboembolic Disease V/Q Scan +/-AngiogramLupus ANASchleroderma Ph FRheumatoid ArthritisHI 5、V Infec...
–spontaneous,regularbeatingat>120beats/min –decreasedCO •Ventricularfibrillation –extremelyrapid&irregular–negligibleCO CongestiveHeartFailure •CHF•Heartunabletoejectvolumeofblooddelivered toit•Endpointfor –coronaryatherosclerosis–HTN–valvedisease–cardiomyopathy–congenitalcardiacmalformation ...