Unit 1 Computer BasicsPPT课件 Unit1ComputerBasics 【教学目的】LearnabouttheEnglishtermsofthebasicphysicalportionofthecomputer,includingCPU,monitor,motherboard,memory,RAM,ROM,mouse,keyboard,disk,USBandI/Oport Improvethestudents’abilitytounderstandthelonganddifficultsentencesinthetext.Masterthekeylanguagepoints...
第2章 Hardware Knowledge 2.1 Computer Hardware Basics 2.2 CPU 2.3 Memory 2.4 Input/Output Devices 2022/7/2221计算机专业英语第21页,共188页。2.1 Computer Hardware Basics A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store, and process 15、 data and ...
Unit 1 Hardware Knowledge 1.1 Hardware Basics 1.2 Central Processing Unit 1.3 Memory 1.4 Input/Output Systems 1.5 Computer Components 1.1 Hardware Basics Text: Logic Circuits Combinational Circuit Flip-Flop and Clock Shift registers Logic Circuits The OR circuit has two or more inputs and a single ...
2021/3/22 计算机专业英语教程 3 目录 •Unit8PrinciplesofCompiler•Unit9SoftwareEngineering•Unit10Multimedia•Unit11DistanceEducation•Unit12ComputerGraphicsandImages•Unit13Animation•Unit14GridComputing 2021/3/22 计算机专业英语教程 4 目录 •Unit15DistributedSystems•Unit16ComputerNetworkBasics•...
;Contents;Chapter 1 Computers and digital basics ;Section A all things digital; A computer network is a group of computers linked by wired or wireless technology to share data and resources. The Internet is a global computer network The Web (short for World Wide Web) is a collection of ...
1/4/20232计算机专业英语(第3版)内容简介本书共分6个单元,第1单元介绍计Unit1HardwareBasics1.1CentralProcessingUnit1.2Memory1.3Input/OutputSystems1/4/20233计算机专业英语(第3版)Unit1HardwareBasics1.1CBlockdiagramofadigitalcomputer 数字计算机的方框图处理器单元中央处理单元输入/输出处理器输入设备输出设备1/4/202...
Section E: Input and Output Unit 2: Digital Devices 2 2 Section A: Device Basics ? Computers ? Circuits and Chips ? Components ? Maintenance Unit 2: Digital Devices 3 2 Computers ? At its core, a computer is a multipurpose device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and ...