Pleasereadtheparagraphsfrom“lightwasalwaysbeenwithus〞to“Infact,anytypeofindicatorlampisbasicallyanopticcommunicationssystem〞Whenyouarereading,pleasethinkabouttwoquestions:Howmanykindsoftraditionalcommunicationsystemsithasintroduced?2.what’sthecommondisadvantageofthesecommunicationsystems?Chapter1 FiberOptic...
Communication ToPersuadeotherpeopletothinkoractinthewaywedo沟通从心开始 ---中国移动 Makeyourselfheard理解就是沟通 ---爱立信 CommunicationUnlimited!沟通无极限 ---摩托罗拉 TheDefinitionofcommunication ComponentsofcommunicationCharacteristicsofCommunication BehaviorsforEffectiveInterpersonalCommunicationFunctionsofCommunication...
→The new media system embraces all forms of human communication in a digital format → Convergence is also occurring in the realm of media ownership Unit 7 Change in Journalism Text A Critical reading and thinking of Text A Text Analysis Two different assumptions about convergence: → Convergence...
9、 ten years one generation,Nowadays, the fourth generation cellular system can be reached in many cities with higher data rates comparing to previous generations. And the fifth generation is in approach.,数据传输速率,蜂窝系统,How does wireless communication influence our life?,How does wireless ...
;Definition 1:Communication is the process by which information is exchaged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. Definition 2:Communication(s) is methods of sending information, such as telephones,radio,computers,etc.or roads and railways Definition 3: ...
23 Reading Reading • Read the first 2 paragraphs and finish the chart on page 9. . 24 Larger organization Larger organization Larger organization need either a hierarchical structure or a line management system Costs: 1. Information can only flow along certain channels because only certain ...
d: distance in meters L: The miscellaneous losses L (L=1) are usually due to transmission line attenuation, filter losses, and antenna losses in the communication system. L=1 indicates no loss in the system hardware. * * Reflection: occur from the surface of the earth and from buildings ...
Communications System; Please read the paragraphs from “light was always been with us ” to “In fact, any type of indicator lamp is basically an optic communications system ” When you are reading, please think about two questions: How many kinds of traditional communication systems it has ...
appreciationforwhatanopticalfiber does. Page8 例1.Asasystemanalyst,youwillbe expectedtolearnthejargonused bycomputersalespeopleandjudge thevalidityoftheirsalesclaims 例2.Asauser,youhaveunderstood howtousethecomputer effectively. Page9 例1.Asasystemmanager,yourjobis tomaximizetheefficiencyofyour systems. 例...
5% of total available channels.Cellular systemnCommunication between the BS and the mo 18、biles is defined by a standard common air interface that specifies 4 different physical channelsnForward (Downlink) voice/data channel : BS to MSnReverse (Uplink) voice/data channel : MS to BSnForward (...