Securities Investment To prevent banking risks, monetary authorities generally have restrictive regulations on the scope of securities investment of commercial banks. Many countries stipulate that commercial banks are only allowed to hold bond securities, but not stocks. Commercial Bank Operations ...
Regulators, in contrast, want to increase bank equity financing and focus on balancing solvency risks with an individual banks profit potential. 商业银行和储蓄贷款机构的资本资产比率低于其他金融机构,也远低于非金融机构。 银行家认识到高杠杆会增加潜在利润,所以他们试图将外部融资最小化。与之相反,监管者...
AustraliaandChina麦加利银行•BanquedeI'IndoChine东方汇理银行•centralbank,nationalbank,banker'sbank中央银行•bankofissue,bankofcirculation发行币银行•commercialbank商业银行,储蓄信贷银行•memberbank,creditbank储蓄信贷银行•discountbank贴现银行•exchangebank汇兑银行•requestingbank委托开证银行 ...
商业银行管理英文课件:第12章 Managing and Pricing Deposit Services.ppt,As Table12-1 shows, time and savings deposits represented more than four-fifths of the total deposits held by all U.S. insured commercial banks in 2007. Best combination of Bank depos
commercial banks Bank of China (BOC) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) China Construction Bank (CCB) Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) 外资银行 foreign banks Opening an account 开户 Opening an account Savings account 储蓄账户 Current account/ Demand account 活期账户 Time savings ...
Internal structure bodyExecutive body 2ofCommercialBanksStructureofcommercialbanks Supervisorybody Unitbanking ExternalstructureBranchbanking Commercialbanks’balancesheetCash Loans Commercialbanks’Balance-sheet Assets SecuritiesOtherassets CorrespondentbankingBank-holdingcompanies 3 businesses Deposits businesses ...
Introduction,Vostro account: is the domestic currency account (due to account) held by a bank on beh 51、alf of a correspondent bank.,From the point of view of Bank of China, a vostro account is an overseas banks account with us, denominated in RMB.,Bank of China,Hongkong and Shanghai...
表示payer,托收项下付款人为进口商;信用证项下为开证行或其指定银行,信用证常用语句“You are authorized to draw on XXX Bank.”表示,其中“draw on”后面就是付款人。第二节 汇票二、汇票的内容(一) 法定必要记载和相对必要记载项目6. 收款人(Payee)收款人又称汇票抬头人、受款人,是指受领汇票金额的人,在...