lang string en-US language setting Ex: { lang:'zh-TW' } (Set this when using non-English fonts like Chinese) lineSpacing number points line spacing points 1-256. Ex: { lineSpacing:28 } margin number points margin 0-99 (ProTip: use the same value from CSS padding) rectRadius number ...
Language,LearningandTeaching 1 Outline •WhatisLanguage?•WhatisLearning?•WhatisTeaching?•Relationshipbt.Learning&Teaching 2 Language:definition StructuralviewoflanguageFunctionalviewoflanguageInteractionalviewoflanguageTransformationalistviewoflanguage 3 Structuralviewoflanguage •Languageisasystemofstructural...
fill the shoes of_fade the memory of_remained haunted by_rose from its knees_G R _ Language Focus 2Interview Form groups of three students. One will be the reporter, the other two are witnesses of the September 11 Attacks. On the one year anniversary, they recall the past 37、 and ...
中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Chapter 1,Invitations to Linguistics,主讲人 齐振海,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,1.1 Why Study Language 1.2 What Is
definition of languagedifferent views about language nature of learningmisconceptions of learningmystery of first language acquisition Pre-learning TasksSearch the internet to get the definitions of language and learning and explain them with examples to your classmates.Reflect on your own experience of ...
1.2 Computer-assisted Language (CALL) 1.2.1 Definition and Activities Definition: CALL (COMPUTER-ASSISTED LANGUAGE) refers to the use of a computer in a language teaching and learning program. On the part of teaching, the teacher, by using a computer, presents a language teaching program in a...
;2.FinishQuestion3inActivity3onPage3 (thenewsandthesignificance—theresearchprocess—thecomment) Whichtwopiecesofinformationwerenotincludedinthepassage? AAquotefromTuYouyou. BThedetailsofhowartemisininwasdiscovered. CTuYouyou’simportantcontributionsotherthanthediscoveryofartemisinin. DTuYouyou’spersonallife. ...
Time: the language of the 18th c., etc. Province: language of law, of science, of advertising, etc. Status: polite, colloquial, slang, etc. Modality: language of memoranda, lectures, jokes, etc. Singularity: the style of Dickens, etc. Affective (emotive) meaning 感情意义 I hope for ...
1.definition:Thecontroversiesabouthowfirstlanguageisacquiredalsorevolvesaroundcognitivefactorswhicharealsocalledthecognitivetheoryoflanguageacquisition.2.twoways:Thecognitivefactorsrelatetolanguageacquisitionmainlyintwoways.TwoWays •Languagedevelopmentisdependentonboththeconceptschildrenformabouttheworldandwhattheyfeel...