Unit1BuildingMaterials EnglishforArchitecture Liwei:Oh!Mainlysomecommonmaterialssuchascement,steelbarandsometimberandsoon.They’reallinthebillandreadityourself,please.Mark:Oh,letmehavealook,wesellthemall.Cementis1dollarperkilogram,steelbaris500dollarspertonandtimberis650dollarspercubicmeter…Liwei:That’sgood....
FoshanTononBuildingMaterialsCo.,Ltd佛山通能建材有限.ppt,Foshan Tonon Building Materials Co.,Ltd 佛山市通能建材有限公司 Address: No.2,Shangliao Industry, beijiao Town, Shunde District , Foshan City, Guangdong Province,CHINA 地址中国 广东省佛山市顺德区北滘
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A. A flood of new building materials-cast iron, steel and glass. B. Architecture and engineering began to separate, and the architect began to concentrate on technical aspects. C. Original Greek and Rome prototypes, and the borrowing from other time and place became out of date again. D. ...
文档标签: 建筑英文ppt课件 2020-1-7 Skyscrapermeanspower. Skyscrapermeanssuccess. Skyscraperreflectsthe comprehensivestrengthof acityoracountry. Whenitcomestothe MissionImpossible 4th,everyonecould recallthemindofTom Cruise’sstandingon thetopofBurjKhalifa Tower. 2优质2020-1-7 3优质2020-1-7 4优质2020-...
2 intact averaging leave over unsurpassed horizontal 6) The building materials which have been torn away from the old house ___ and carted to the landfill. 7) It is estimated that 5.5 million tons of limestone, 8,000 tons of granite, and 500,000 tons of mortar ___ were used in the ...
The choice of whether a structure should be built of concrete, steel, masonry, or timber( 木材) depends on the availability( 可得性) of materials and on a number of( 许多) value decisions( 价值判断) . 一个结构选择由混凝土 、 钢材 12、 、 砌体还是 木材建造取决于材料的可得性和许多价值...
work, help it to go smoothly, see to the arrival of the essential materials, check their quality and help to get the contract finished on time. 代理和工人之间有许多其他的人安排工作来帮助它顺利进行,等到材料到来, 检查它们的质量并且帮助按时完成合同。
结构工程英语【共27张PPT】结构工程英语 1 Defination 2 Classification 3 ConcreteStructure 4 SteelStructure 5 MasonryStructure 6 TimberStructure 01Definition ONE Architecturalengineering,alsoknownasbuildingengineering,istheapplicationofengineeringprinciplesandtechnologytobuildingdesignandconstruction.Definition Building...