Atomic Models:原子模型幻灯片PPT AtomicModels BohrModelCloudModel 精品文档 BohrModel Electronsorbitthenucleusindefiniteorbits.Theorbitscanholdonlyaspecificnumberofelectrons.Oncealevelisfull,theelectronsstartfillingthenextlevel.精品文档 ElectronLevelLimits:1stLevel=2electrons2ndLevel=8electrons3rdLevel=8electrons 精...
Bohr’s Model of the Atom Nucleus surrounded by large volume of space focused on electrons constant speed fixed orbits Each electron has a specific amount of energy Bohr’s Model of the Atom Energy Levels Possible energies of electrons An electron cannot exist between energy levels. Size of jump...
Bohr Model is Science fiction The Bohr model is complete nonsense. Electrons do not circle the nucleus in little planet-like orbits. The assumptions injected into the Bohr model have no basis in physical reality. BUT the model does get some of the numbers right for SIMPLE atoms… Fundamental ...
材料的微观结构.ppt,第一章原子结构和键合 Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding 二、原子的结构 1879年 J.J Thomson 发现电子(electron),揭示了原子内部秘密 1911年 E.Rutherford提出原子结构有核模型 1913年 N.Bohr将 Bohr atomic model 核外电子的排布(electron c
2.2 (a) The first three electron energy states for the Bohr hydrogen atom. (b) Electron energy states for the first three shells of the wave-mechanical hydrogen atom. quantum jump ? absorption of energy ? emission of energy Wave-mechanical model: Atomic model in which the electron is ...
二、原子的结构(structureofatomic)1879年1911年 J.JThomson发现电子(electron),揭示了原子内部秘密E.Rutherford提出原子结构有核模型 1913年N.Bohr将 Bohratomicmodel 精选课件ppt 4 道尔顿的原子论原子一词的由来 通过气象观测和对气体物理性质的研究,道尔顿常思考这么一个问题:为什么复合的大气,或者由两种或更多种...
. An unsatisfactory atomic model下页退出上页描述微观物体运动规律的需求呼唤物理学描述微观物体运动规律的需求呼唤物理学新概念的诞生新概念的诞生!人们对物质和能量的认识是否只看到人们对物质和能量的认识是否只看到了硬币的一面?了硬币的一面? 波粒二象性是解决原子结构波粒二象性是解决原子结构问题的问题的“总...
2.2 Bohr 模型 (The Bohr model of the atom)【精选-PPT】 热度: ElectronsInsideTheAtom IonizationandExcitation Franck-HertzExperiment EnergyLevelsandSpectra PhotoelectricEffect IonizationandExcitation Ionizationistheprocessofcreatingchargedatoms. Excitationistheprocesswherebyatomsabsorbenergywithoutionization.Theorbital...
第1章原子结构和元素周期表 Chapter1AtomicStructureandPeriodicTableofElements 2 3 4 5 6 1.1.2亚原子粒子 原子是化学上最重要、使用最频繁的术语之一,原是希腊语中意为“不可再分”意思.随着科学的发展,道尔顿(DaltonJ)于1803年提出了第一个现代原子论,但他接受了“不可再分”的概念.随着电子的发现,接着...
Bohr model Limitations Was not useful for predicting the line spectra of other elements BUT was a good starting point for modern atomic theory Our classmates are going to present information about electrons/energy levels and more and that is how we will learn more on this timeline of the atomic...