但有时芽殖后子细胞不脱离母细胞而形成分枝状假菌丝,假菌丝不同于真菌丝,细胞间有一细腰 酵母菌的芽殖和假菌丝 酵母细胞 真菌的繁殖 无性繁殖(Asexual reproduction)的类型 菌丝片段产生新个体 营养细胞分裂产生子细胞 出芽繁殖 产生无性孢子(无性过程产生的孢子) 有性繁殖(Sexual reproduction) 产生有性孢子(有性...
动物寿命:蝙蝠(2)猫(21) 黑猩猩(37)狗(34) 印度象(57) 马(62) 牛(30) 羊(18) 鹦鹉(64)鸽(35) 夜莺() 龟(123)鳖(177) 金鱼(25) 人(73)第1页/共57页动物的生殖和个体发育动物的生殖和个体发育第一节 生殖的方式一、无性生殖(asexual reproduction)凡不涉及性别、没有配子( 2、精子和卵)参与...
无性生殖 (asexual reproduction) (1)二分裂:核先分裂为二,再胞质分裂,一次形成两个子体 (2)多分裂:核先分裂为多个,胞质再分裂并分别包绕每个已分裂的胞核,一次形成多个子体 (3)出芽增殖:母体先经过不均等分裂产生一个或多个芽体,再发育成新个体 2. 有性生殖 (sexual reproduction) (1)接合生殖:两个...
4、疏丝组织(prosenchyma) (2)拟薄壁组织(pseudoparenchyma),有些真菌的菌组织可以形成菌核、 子座和菌索等结构: (1)菌核(sclerotium) (2)子座(stroma) (3)菌索(rhizomorph),四、真菌的无性繁殖(asexual reproduction),1无性繁殖方式 (1)断裂 (2)裂殖 (3)芽殖 (4)(原生质)割裂,2无性孢子类型 (1)...
Plant reproduction The pollen grains (MALE SEX CELL) need to move from the anther (MALE) to the stigma (FEMALE) Pollen transferred to female reproductive organ (stigma) Pollination SELF-POLLINATION- the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma on the SAME plant CROSS-POLLINATION- the transfer ...
Sexual reproduction in the Zygomycetes: Once in contact the two zygophores fuse, and then the nuclei fuse to form the diploid. Meiosis occurs, producing four haploid nuclei, but three may degenerate. The timing of fusion varies from species to species. ★Zygomycete Asexual Reproduction Zygomycete ...
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to their parent. 27. appliance: instrument or device for a specific purpose n.用具,器具 Examples: The Energy Department has set efficiency standards for new home appliances. The company has operations in many different business ...
What type of reproduction is this??? Explain… Asexual vs. Sexual Video Please note: there are a limited number of headsets available in the classroom so you will need to be patient. If headphones are not available when you are, continue working on other parts of the assignment …be sure...
第一篇微生物学基础 第5章真菌的基本性状 Mycology 微生物学教研室宋武琦 教学大纲 •掌握内容–真菌的形态结构(单细胞和多细胞真菌)–培养特性–繁殖方式–抵抗力 •了解内容–真菌的分类 Classification Basedonmolecularevidence:basesequencesfromribosomalRNA(Patterson& Taxonomy Kingdom:EUMYCOTAPhylum:Dikaryo...
•Centromerelocationsanddesignationschromosomesbasedoncentromerelocation.Notethatshapeofthechromosomeduringanaphaseisdeterminedbythe 染色体的类型 名称 臂比(长/短)符号 中间着丝1-1.7 m 粒染色体 近中间着1.7-3 Sm 丝粒染色 体 近端着丝3-7 St 粒染色体 顶端着丝7-∞ ...