to power vehicles that transport food for long distances by air, ship, truck and rail releases carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary gas responsible for global warming.,3,The greenhouse gas emission of air conditioning,Air conditioning is bound to place some burden on our environment.,4,The increa...
3.Air conditioning usage is thus a first factor in determining both the installed capacity of the power plant and its total electrical output. (F) 4.Historically, the interest has been on sizing of equipment, and the ASHRAE guides present detailed ...
InteriorViewofCeiling -25- ThisisbasedonaplanasofOctober,2004.Pleasenotethatactualconditionsmaydifferinsomerespects.Air-conditioning -26- ThisisbasedonaplanasofOctober,2004.Pleasenotethatactualconditionsmaydifferinsomerespects.
招租广告常用缩略词: A/C Air conditioning 空调 appl appliance (refrigerator, stove, dish washer, cloth washer, dryer) 家用电器 bachelor 一个只有一间房(同时作为睡房和起居室)的套间,里面另有洗手间浴室。 BR/BDRM 睡房 cable 有线电视 furn = furnished 带家具 hrdwd = hardwood 硬木地板 p/w 每周...
外研版九年级英语上册课件M12U2;The beautiful earth is our home. Do you love to live here?;Daily proverb:;;;Module 12 Save our world ;学习目标;;; Do you open a window instead of① turning on air conditioning? Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad? Do you take your...
30、tendee have been put on the conference. 参会者的名片放在会议桌上了。 9. Miss Mary checks the air conditioning, power outlets and lights of the venue. 玛丽小姐检查会场的空调系统,电源插座和照明。 10. All the guests are reminded of setting their cell phones in the mode of vibration. 提...
1、Section B,Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.,sleeper n. 卧铺列车 pay v. 付费,付酬 hotel n. 宾馆,旅店,饭店 fridge n. 冰箱 air conditioning n. 空调系统 standard adj. 标准的 n. 标准 single adj. 单一的, 单个的 condition n. 条件,状况 ...
Flight Control System 飞行操纵系统 Landing Gear System 起落架系统 Air Conditioning System 空调系统 Oxygen System 供氧系统 Ice and Rain Protection 防冰和防雨 Fire Protection system 防火系统 Pneumatic System 气源系统 Electrical System 电气系统 37 Powerplant 动力装置 1. Hydraulic System 液压系统 Among ...
Understand and plan the research agenda. Identify funding opportunities and R&D needs. Nurture/develop research ideas into projects. Disseminate information.SIRAC1st IIR International Conference on the Cold Chain & Sustainability: Cambridge, UK March 29-31, 2010...
4 Configurationanddiscussionofunitaryairconditioningsystems 35Textandkeywordslearning Frequentlyusedwordsandphrases airconditioningsystem humidify 加湿 filter 过滤过滤器 unitarysystem 单元式系统 radiant-heatsystems辐射采暖系统 facevelocity 迎面风速 mixingplenum 混合箱 directexpansion(DX)直接膨胀 acousticlining 隔音层...