Chapter 15 Nervous System PPT课件
神经系统病理NERVOUSSYSTEM月(神经模块讲义七制中英文).ppt,2. ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS The cause(s) of PD is unknown 病因及发病机制:不明 A disturbance in the dopaminergic pathways connecting the substantia nigra to the basal ganglia. A disturbance in moto
Chapter 17: Nervous System Chapter 17: Nervous System
2022年Unit 8 神经系统 Nervous System 医学英语 临床医学(B班).ppt,Four Lobes of the Cerebrum P150 L26 - 29 Language Focus hemisphere n. 半球 hemi- 偏,半,一侧 hemicrania hemiplegia P150 L20 Language Focus Plural form -us -i stimulus stimuli (P149 L2) gyru
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Divisions of the brain (Figure 8-9 and Table 8-1) Brainstem Consists of three parts of brain; named in ascending order: the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain Structure—white matter with bits of gray matter scattered through it Function—gray matter in the brainstem...
Centralnervoussystem(CNS)—brainandspinal cordPeripheralnervoussystem(PNS)—allnervesAutonomicnervoussystem(ANS)CELLSOFTHENERVOUSSYSTEM NeuronsConsistofthreemainparts—dendrites;cellbodyofneuron;axon Dendrites—branchingprojectionsthatconductimpulsestocellbodyofneuronAxon—elongatedprojection...
Thenervoussystemcoordinatestheactivityofcells,tissuesandorgansinvolvedinresponses Atthelevelofindividualcells,integrationanddecision-makingisdonebyneurons Anatomyofaneuron: a)dendrites-input b)cellbody–“decisionmaking”;gradedpotential c)axonhillock-initiationofactionpotential ...
Coordination and Regulation: Nervous System Chapter 6 The Nervous System ? Nervous system composed of 2 sections: central nervous system (CNS) and Peripheral nervous system (PNS). ? CNS composed of the brain & spinal cord. ? PNS composed of all the existing nerves in the body. PERIPHERAL ...