DisasterManagementPlan PETRONETLNGLIMITED Dahej S.VENUGOPAL,Manager(HSE) PetronetLNGisIndia'sfirstLNGTerminalatDahej LOCATIONOFDAHEJ EmergencyControlCentre(ECC-1) EmergencyControlCentre(ECC-2) EMERGENCYRESPONSETEAM(ERT) 3.5.1 ControlRoompaneloperator ...
Communications are Vital to all Phase of Disaster Management. Remember the 90/10 -10/90 Rule Streamline Information Flows. Integrate Information Resources. Support Decision Making Process. Warning, Notification. Institutional Arrangements… Develop A Common Understanding. More Effective Planning. Maximization...
健康需求。 Disaster preparedness, including risk assessment Disaster preparedness, including risk assessment and multi and multi--disciplinary management strategies at disciplinary management strategies at all system levels, is critical to the delivery of all system levels, is critical to the delivery of ...
TYPES OF DISASTER PLANNING TThe two major types of disaster plans are those that take the agent-specific approach and those that use the all-hazards approach. Communities that embrace the agent-specific approach focus their preparedness activities on the most likely threats to occur based on their...
危机管理--课件.ppt,公共关系与危机处理 廖为建 中山大学传播与设计学院 公共关系学系教授 公共传播研究所所长 中国国际公共关系协会理事兼学术委员会副主任 广东省公共关系协会副会长 广东省政府突发公共事件应急管理专家 背景一:高速发展+社会转型 根据国际社会发展规律
RiskManagement + HazardReduction VulnerabilityReduction EmergencyPreparedness safercommunities EmergencyManagement DamageAssessment&NeedsAnalysis EpidemiologyandReporting MassCasualtyManagementHospitalPlanningCurativeCare ShelterandSecurityWaterandSanitationControlofCommunicableDiseaseFoodandNutritionReproductiveHealthPsychosocialNeeds M...
专门研究紧急事态管理的原则(principles of emergency management) 确定了3个核心概念和8个核心原则 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 核心概念1.紧急事态管理 Definition Emergency management is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and ...
《management企业管理类英文版PPT课件56.ppt,Gold Standard The Gold Standard (1876 – 1913) “Rules of the game” - each country set the rate at which its currency unit could be converted to gold Currency exchange rates were in effect “fixed” Expansionary