ppt课件-chapter1computerbasics.ppt,* Examples of computer usage User Hardware/Network Software Power user Local area network or wide area network, depending on the size of the company Internet Desktop publishing Multimedia authoring Photo, sound, and vid
计算机专业英语-基础知识课件(PPT 188页) 上传人:三*** IP属地:贵州上传时间:2022-07-29格式:PPTX页数:188大小:543.50KB积分:25版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩183页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...
Chapter1Computersanddigitalbasics Whenyouhavecompletedthischapteryoushouldbeableto:•Definetheterm“computer”,“microcomputer”–knowthedigitalrevolution–knowthehistoryofcomputerdevelopment–knowthetypeofcomputerandfunctionofcomputer–Differentiatebetweendataandinformation,analoganddigital–Describehowdigitaldevices...
;Contents;Chapter 1 Computers and digital basics ;Section A all things digital; A computer network is a group of computers linked by wired or wireless technology to share data and resources. The Internet is a global computer network The Web (short for World Wide Web) is a collection of ...
精品课件 1 Howtowriteaprogram FindthewholestepsintherealmodelUsesomegraphornaturelanguage todescribeRealizewithcomputerlanguage 精品课件 2 workflow 精品课件 3 PseudoCode Afirstidea:intmain(){ variableswhile(condition){ analyzetheexpressionevaluatetheexpressionprinttheresult}} 精品课件 4 4 mainFunction int...
Computer basicsTerms Bit - a unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in binary notation. Nybble - a unit of computer memory equal to half of one byte or four bits Byte - a common unit of binary digits or bits (usually eight). Unicode - is a computing industry standard for ...
1、PART 1 PART 1 PART 1 BASICS OF COMPUTER AND NETWORKBASICS OF COMPUTER AND NETWORKBASICS OF COMPUTER AND NETWORK1.1 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION1.1 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Main point: Function of computer Organization of computer hardware Type of computer计算机英语(第三版)计算机英语(第三版)计算机英语(第三...
•Unit16ComputerNetworkBasics •Unit17Internet •Unit18WirelessNetwork •Unit19ComputerVirus •Unit20OfficeAutomation •Unit21VirtualReality 2020-1-38 •Unit22ArtificialIntelligent •Unit23NeuralNetwork •Unit24IntroductionofElectronic Commerce •Unit25ElectronicPaymentSystem •Unit26Logisticsand...
1 机器学习与数据挖掘基础 2 1.1机器学习的概念 心理学中对学习的解释是:学习是指(人或动物)依靠经 验的获得而使行为持久变化的过程。 Simon认为:如果一个系统能够通过执行某种过程而改进 它的性能,这就是学习。 Minsky认为:学习是在人们头脑中(心理内部)进行有用 的变化。 TomM.Mitchell在《机器学习》一书中对...