[PPT] Modernity in Russian literature이경완서울대학교
Russiandoll俄罗斯套娃 SetofOuHuosetsconditionsisRussia'smosttypical,oneofthemostpopularfolkhandicraft.Manchuriadollsquare Literature Гоголь果戈理《死魂灵》ЛевНиколаевич Толстой列夫·托尔斯泰《战争与和平》МаксимГорький高尔基 Literature BorisPasternak鲍里斯·帕斯...
9、travinsky伊果伊果费奥多罗维奇费奥多罗维奇史特拉汶斯基史特拉汶斯基俄文:俄文: Bolshoi BalletRussian doll 俄罗斯套娃俄罗斯套娃 Set of OuHuo sets conditions is Russias most typical, one of the most popular folk handicraft.Manchuria doll squareLiterature果戈理果戈理死魂灵死魂灵 列夫列夫托尔斯泰托尔斯泰战争与...
1、Russian Culture,Russian culture is the culture associated with the country of Russia and, sometimes, specifically with Russians. It has a long history and can claim a long tradition of dividend in many aspects of the arts, especially when it comes to literature, classical music, ballet, arc...
Another fan of PowerPoint, even dearer to me than my colleagues, is my wife Donna. She teaches Russian literature. Because her students begin by knowing so little of Russian history and society, and to convey the relationship between literature and historical events, she showers them with various...
in the whole "54" period. 2, Li Dazhao's "what is new literature" in the text of the historical materialism of the preliminary explanation, is subject to the Marx doctrine and the Russian realistic literature view of influence. Three, the introduction of foreign literature. Almost all the ...
Prose:nonfictionalprose,heroicprose,prosepoem,polyphonic有韵律变化的prose,alliterativeprose,prosefictionandvillageproseinRussianliterature.Fiction:realisticfiction(sciencefiction,detectivestories),non-realisticfiction,semi-fiction.TheUsefulnessofLearningLiterature (1)Increasingone’sknowledge Englishliteratureisamirrorto...
English-literature-I简介和古英语时期英国文学.ppt,The she-monster almost killed Beowulf. Beowulf finally succeeded. Beowulf ruled the country for about 50 years… The Fire Dragon guarded the treasure. A runaway slave stole the treasure … Beowulf went to