Mental Health Awareness HOLDING SLIDE… this to be shown as people enter the room to recognise they are in the right place When everyone is in the room, move to the next slide. Why ? Introduce yourself … then go on to explain WHY we are doing this session on Mental Health Our i...
Withtheincreasingawarenessofmentalhealthissuesglobally,itisimportanttohaveaclearunderstandingofthesubjectmattertopromotebettermentalwellbeing Thedefinitionofmentalhealth Summary Mentalhealthreferstoastateofwellbeinginwhichindividualsareabletofullydeveloptheirpotential,scopewiththenormalstressesoflife,workproductively,andmake...
This template can be your invaluable tool for understanding and sharing mental health insights. Don't miss out! Download it today and join us in spreading awareness and promoting well-being. Let's make a positive impact together! Features of the template ...
Mental Health – My Story Talking shows strength Mental Health and Student Wellbeing Mental Health Awareness Week th May 2018 Teen Depression & Suicide Introduction: There are events and times in our lives that we find difficult to deal with. In this assembly we’ll have the opportunity to ...
Templates are available for you instantly in Create outstanding World Health Day PPT Presentation Download and Impress your audiences with fully editable.
Highlight the importance of mental health with these Google Slides themes & PowerPoint templates. ✓ Free ✓ Easy to edit ✓ Professional
医学英语Psychiatry精神病学.ppt,过去称为神经官能症 癔症 hysteria 和抑郁性神经症不包括 躯体形式障碍 持久的担心或相信患有各种躯体症状为特征的神经症 hypochondriasis 特点 1 涉及全身各个系统 2, 各种不适或疼痛 3, 常伴抑郁 焦虑 4, 没有器质性病变证据 5,反复陈