计算机专业英语计算机专业英语 第一次作业第一次作业 docinsundaemeng一一VocabularyVocabulary词汇词汇 一一Translate the following words and expressions Tran
Specialized for streaming video, game and DVD applications (144 new SIMD 128-bit instructions). 0.13um, more than 55 million transistors, . Newer ones are in 90nm transistors, 125 million possible The future * 第*页 Generation of Computer Vacuum tube-1946-1957 Transistor-1958-1964 Small scale...
Data was stored outside computer on either magnetic tape or disk. As a result, computers became much smaller, faster, and more reliable. Lesson 2 Development of Computers The third generation of computers ranged from 1965 to 1970. It is symbolized by the replacement of transistor and the ...
seventh generation since 1971. • 1971 2020-1-3 16 Computer types • Microcomputer is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer, or PC, which is a small single-user computer based on a microprocessor. • PC” • [3] In addition to the microprocessor, ...
generationcomputers. 14 d)为了强调句子的某个部分(如主语、宾语、状语, 但不能是定语、表语或谓语),专业英语中常用 “It…”句型结构。例如, Example1:CPUcontrolstheentirecomputersystem. ItisCPUthatcontrolstheentirecomputersystem. Example2:ThatacomputercannotrunwithoutaCPU ...
The UNIVAC I was the first commercial computer in this generation. As noted earlier, it was used in the Census Bureau in 1951. It was also the first computer to be used in a business application. In 1954, General Electric took delivery of a UNIVAC I and used it for some of its busine...
Softwaredevelopmentduringthefourthcomputergeneration startedoffwithlittlechangefromthethirdgeneration. Operatingsystemsweregraduallyimproved,andnew languagesweredesigned.Databasesoftwarebecamewidely usedduringthistime.Themostimportanttrend,however, resultedfromthemicrocomputerrevolution.Packaged softwarebecamewidelyavailableformi...
计算机英语Unit1-Computer-and-Computer-SciencePPT课件.ppt,2021/4/8 2021/4/8 Unit1 Computer and Computer Science 2021/4/8 Section A: Computer Overview Introduction A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and t
This is understandable in view of the existing worldwide telephone networks which are used to transmit not only voice signals but also computer data and fax messages. * Each successive generation of light-wave systems is capable of operating at higher bit rates and over longer distances. Periodic...