Englishteachingmethodsrefertotheapproaches,techniques,andprinciplesusedtoteachtheEnglishlanguageasasecondorforeignlanguage Purpose ThepurposeofEnglishteachingmethodsistoenablelearnerstoacquirethelanguageeffectively,effectively,andhappily,whilealsofollowingtheirabilitytomunicateinEnglishinrealworldcontexts TheHistoricalDevelopment...
1、Methodology of English Teaching英语教学法“追求方法”:二十世纪八十年代之前“教无定法”:后方法时代英语教学论是一门研究中小学英语教学目的、教学内容、教学目标、教学过程、教学原则、教学模式、教学科研的理论与实践的基本原理、一般规律、主要方法等,以全面培养学生面向未来的基础性的英语运用能力和基础性的...
英语教学法教程(课堂PPT)MethodologyofEnglishTeaching 英语教学法 1 •“追求方法”:二十世纪八十年代之前•“教无定法”:后方法时代 2 –英语教学论是一门研究中小学英语教学目的、教学内容、教学目标、教学过程、教学原则、教学模式、教学科研的理论与实践的基本原理、一般规律、主要方法等,以全面培养学生面向...
3.Whataretheprinciplesforteaching speaking? 7.; Thepurposeoflearningspeaking •Itisanimportantpartofeverydayinteractionand mostoftenthefirstimpressionofapersonisbasedon hisabilitytospeakfluentlyand comprehensibly.Learningspeakingcanaccelerate thelearningoflistening,readingandwritinginEnglish. •Thepurposeofleaning...
languageteaching 英语092班 马丽丹 1 Contents •Thenatureoflanguagetheory •Languagelearningtheory •Themodelofforeignlanguagelearning •Theoryofeducationrelatedsubjects 2 Thenatureof languagetheory Structuralview oflanguage Functional language 3 Structuralview ...
Two things are needed for communication: Rules of language form (grammar vocabulary) Rules of language use in a context (Is it appropriate to use this language item in this context?) Views on the nature of language have an impact on the teaching/learning method of a person. Views on ...
1、英语教学法教程英语教学法教程A Course in English Language Teaching Yanfang Lu helen0743sinaQuotations on teaching and learning:vEducation is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. vThe desire to know is far more important than achievement and/or performance measures.vLearning...
… Homework Choose from SEFC textbooks one of the grammatical items and design a micro lesson plan for any part of grammar teaching, presentation, or practice, or production. Teaching Vocabulary Warming-up Discussion Do you think learning English vocabulary is very important? Warming-up Discussion ...
l??? Make the students clear about the designing principles for the National English Curriculum. l??? Get the students to know about the goals and objectives of English language teaching. l??? Make the students aware of the challenges English teachers may face under the New National English...
At first glance, English language teaching may not seem an important area for moral learning. It is a foreign language and is sometimes associated with social values that are not shared by Chinese people. On the other hand, English lessons can provide excellent opportunities for a focus on mora...