CollegeEnglishLearning•HowtoimproveEnglishspeakingability•Epilogue 01 Introduction ThemeIntroduction 01 Theme TheimportanceofEnglishintheglobalizedworld 0203 Background TheincreasinginterconnectivityoftheworldduetoglobalizationhasmadeEnglishacriticallanguageforcommunicationandsuccess Reason Thispresentationwillexploretherole...
大学生活presentation can this schedule remind you of the busy high school life? at that time ,we had classes all day.. college students have more free time, so they can do what they like. joining clubs which we are interested in. * Study life In high school life, we are busy all day...
大学英语演讲 汇报人:xxx 20xx-03-19 目录 •Presentationpreparationandtechniques•CharacteristicsofEnglishSpeechLanguage•PresentationStructureandTechniques•CommontopicsandexamplesincollegeEnglishs peeches•Practicalexercisesandevaluationfeedback 01 Presentationpreparationandtechniques Clarifythepurposeandthemeofthe...
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UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE INFORMATION Presentation – 2017-2018 Sean UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE INFORMATION STEP 1 Pre-Application Research: Sept. - Nov. STEP 2 Application Process: Nov. - Jan. Sean GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS refer to your Credit Counselling Summary or MyBlueprint 30 credi...