Chapter1CivilEngineeringSectionAIntroductionofCivilEngineeringChapter1CivilEngineeringSec1ContentsOneoftheoldestmajoriscivilengineering.最老的专业之一是土木工程。 Civilengineeringisthatbranchofengineeringwhichaimstoprovideacomfortableandsafelivingforthepeopleshelter.土木工程是工程的一个分支,它的目的是为人类的住处提供一...
It is essential that civil engineering students have a good knowledge of basic science. 学土木工程的学生掌握基础科学知识是极为重要的。 2.2.2 句法的对比 1.句子的结构: c.英语复合句结构→汉语不同的复合结构。 This place is really beautiful, and many people bring their wives and families out ...
for?the?supervisors. 工作中获得的培训可以使年轻的工程师为监管者展示将理论应用到实际的能力。 Chapter 1 p* Exercises I.Answer the following questions: 1. What is Civil Engineering? 2. What are the sub-desciplines of Civil Engineering? 3. What are the qualifications for a civil engineer? II...
土木工程专业英语(翻译)ppt课件 土木工程专业英语 EnglishForCivilEngineering 完整版ppt课件 1 要求 1.了解一定的阅读与科技英汉翻译知识;2.对课程中text和部分readingmaterial要能够正确理解与表达其主要内容;3.扩充基础英语词汇、短语,巩固基础英语知识;4.具备一定的专业外语阅读、翻译和写作能力。完整版ppt课件 2/...
Engineering for the StudentSlides:AdvertisementsSimilar presentationsCivil engineer is the person who is responsible for the planning and construction of structures such as buildings, roads, bridges, dams and ports. His. AdvertisementsEngineering Disciplines © 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.Introduction...
(英语状语从句-汉语简单句) Exp4:It is essential that civil engineering students have a good knowledge of mechanics. 学土木工程的学生掌握力学知识是极为重要的。 。(英语主语从句-汉语简单句) Exp5:Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work.. 虽然电子计算机有许多...
,Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as Tsinghua Xuetang, a preparatory school for students who would be sent by the government to study in universities in the United States. The school was renamed Tsinghua School in 1912. The 4、university section was instituted in 1925 and ...
Jump start math Remedial math for engineering students with no grade consequences Self study on the computer Full “boot camp” Light loads freshman year, allow them to mature Should We Change the Classroom Experience? Active learning/entertain and engage Generate a cohort Supplemental instruction ...
School is over and the students go home. 4. actions set by a timetable or schedule e.g. The talk show starts at 7 p.m. Present continuous Used for: 1. actions that happen right now e.g. Look! The reporter is interviewing the astronaut. 2. actions that happen at the same time e...