AdrianWallwork,EnglishforPresentationsatInternationalConferences,SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2010. 27语言是思想,多掌握一种语言,你就多了一块想象的空间,你的生活就多了一层绚丽的色彩。语言沟通着你和未来,多一种语言,你就多一份未来。语境决定意义,掌握不同的语言让你在纷繁复杂的世界面前分辨真伪,把握本质...
Mr.Chairman,ladiesandgentlemen,itismyhonortohavetheopportunitytostandhereandgivemypresentation.Thankyouverymuch,Prof.Fawcett,foryourverykindintroduction.Mr.Chairman,Ladiesandgentleman,Goodmorning!Iconsideritagreathonortobeaskedtospeakabout…inthissessionofoursymposium.第3页/共20页 Introduction Welcomingtheaudience ...
? Topic for the Video Discussion 1. How many things will Cross talk about in his presentation? What are they? 2. What do transitions mean in the presentation? What are the examples of transitions? 3. What is the basic structure of a presentation? What should each section/part do in a ...
11、of the delivery and chairs by introducing the presenter or speaker and the topic of the presentation.,2.You may get acquaintance with the academic vocabulary for writing in the Academic Word List in your public E-mail and try to search for the Chinese meaning of every word. You must ...
In order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for Pilot experiments and scale-up production; we tune the structure, such as composition and morphology step by step and optimize them further. What s more, the possible synthesis mechanisms are also investigated. Today, the presentation ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip iscing elit, sed diam no n u mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet do lore magna aliquam er at v olut pat. Ut wisi enim ad mi ni m venia m, quis nost 精品幻灯片模板Academic presentation 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. ...
国际学术会议英语Part 1 Structure of An Academic PresentationChapter 5 Conclusion Agenda Task objectivesTask preparationTask realizationTask transfer BI-3 Task preparation Sample demonstrationLanguage focus Sample demonstration I. Listen to the following six passages of conclusions in an oral presentation and...
•ThiscourseisintendedfordoctoralstudentswhowishtoimprovetheiroralproficiencyinEnglishforthepurposeofmakingacademicpresentationsataninternationalaudience.Questionstobeconsidered •Whatisacademicpresentation?•Howtobecomemoreconfidentandfluent presentersinEnglish?•Howtodevelopyourskillstomakeyouracademicpresentation?•...
学术研究PPT创意模板 Academic Presentation Template – Academics 哈喽,小伙伴们? 学术是学术演示模板,设计简单且有吸引力,包含高质量的幻灯片。学术界很适合并且易于完全定制以满足您的需求。学术不仅节省时间,而且还提供有吸引力的视觉设计,使人们能够专注于演示的内容。
How to Give an Academic Presentation.ppt,* How to Give an Academic Presentation Verbal Communication(口语表达) ? simpler vocabulary ? longer transitional words ? phrases, sentences ? rhetorical questions ? the ability to use the voice for emphasis, dra