Earthquakes 杜海林冯万鸥陈运泰许力生中国地震局地球物理研究所104°E106°E 北油市 茂县安县理县汶川县绵竹县 30°N江县康定县天全县 E 28°N102°E generalideas Thepassagemainlytalksabouta/anearthquakethathappenedinTangshan_in1976_.ReadingComprehensionI 2.peoplewerekilledorinjuredinthequake.A.Lessthan400,000...
GothroughthenewwordsinthefirstdialogueinExercise3; A. B. Havethestudentslistentotheconversationtwiceandfillintheblankswiththemissingwords; C. Askstudentstoanswerthequestionsabouttheconversation; D. Nowhavethemlookforthelanguageusedtoaskforandgiveclarification; ...
(collocation and context) 2. the first official journey of a ship ( collocation and context) 3. a group of ships organized to do something together (context) 4. a large group of warships (structure) 5. to make an action easier or more likely to happen (collocation and context) 6. ...
参考文献working outline 临时提纲 Main ContentsNarrowing down the topicLocating and evaluating materialChoosing a proper topic and doing preliminary researchTaking notesPreparing a working bibliographyOutlining the paper Main Contents – Cont.Revising the draftPreparing the finished copyWriting the first draft ...
2)havingclearideasofwhattheworldshouldbelikeinthefuture我们的成功很大程度上应归功于她的具有远见卓识 的领导才能。Oursuccessowesalottohervisionaryleadership.LanguagePoints262.slumpvi&n[C] (line4,para.1) 1)tofallorsinkheavilyasinsitting我整个晚上都慵懒地坐在电视前。Ispenttheeveningslumping infrontofTV. 2...
Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Introduction(介绍) of Andrew Andrew’s DIY jobs Advice(建议) from Suzy 1. Before you read Skim the articl on page 44. Then match the paragraphs with their main ideas. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. He is crazy about D...
3. 为使尽可能多的可能作者获得征文信息,会有“xx会议一/二/三号征文”(first / second / third call for papers),这样可以保证影响度低的会议的稿件的数量和质量。 Tips and Notes Complete the following Call for Papers by translating Chinese into English. Task Realization Cloud computing is widely ...
Exercise will increase muscle strength and improve your circulation. S R _ Reading _ word _emphasis1 emphasis: n. special force given to certain words, ideas or details, in speaking, writing, etc. to show that they are particularly important 我们的英语课程十分重视会话技能的训练。 Our English ...