20、aragraph.PRE structurePlanning your writing Learning about the languageTo make your argument more convincing,you often need to write in a formal and factual way.You can also quote an expert.Write an argument essay expressing your opinion about plastic surgery.Checking your writingRemember to ch...
8、e and Tone of Business Reports Language ToneBack n Language In report writing,the most appropriate style is objective,impersonal,specific and factual.The pronouns I/We/You are avoided while third-person,reported speech is generally used,together with full sentences rather than note-form phrases...
date back to追溯到 Step Ⅱ Factual reading When HAMLET meets PEKING OPERA date back to追溯到 2012年伦敦I奥运th会o主ug题h曲t(是1)由英I 国k摇ne滚w乐团a缪l斯ot(Maubseo)合ut唱团H演am唱l的eStu.Arvisval,a 在h运ig动h员s入c场ho及o颁l 奖st仪u式de上n播t 放(2。)with...
Unit 1 Globalization Text B 10 In the long run, the surest path to security is the expansion of freedom. History shows that free societies are peaceful societies, so America is committed to advancing freedom and democracy as the great alternative to repression and radicalism. And by standing wi...
● Models are now consistently highly capable coders, are strong at factual recall and math, but less good at open-ended question-answering and multi-modal problem solving. 相关文档 2024年AI现状报告-2024年10月版(英文)-Air+Street资本 Air Street资本-2024年AI现状报告-2024年10月版 STATE OF AI ...
2. demonstratives: these, this3. pronoun: weSkills:Speaking1.Use modelled phrases and senyences to communicate with a teacher and other learns2.Open an interaction by eliciting a response3. Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual /yes/no questions4.Pronounce correctly a series...
Report 2 Report 3 Business proposal Summary Things to remember when writing your report: Language and Style ? Your writing must be clear and precise in meaning. ? The style of writing should be factual and objective. ? The language must be formal. Do not use slang. ? Do not use ‘I’...
Matcheachparagraphwithitsmainidea.;StepⅡFactualreading Readthetextcarefullyandchoosethebestanswer.;2.Whichkindoffeelingdidtheauthorgetwhenwalkingunderwater?;4.Whydidtheauthordistinguishobjectsatadistanceclearly?;5.Whichkindofbookdoesitbelongto?;StepⅢClozetest ...
tobecollectedfromalargenumberofpeopleinthesamewayandfordatatobeanalysedquantitativelyandsystematically.Questionnairesarebestusedforcollectingfactualdataandappropriatequestionnairedesignisessentialtoensurethatweobtainvalidresponsestoourquestions.ppt课件 2 •Objectivesindesigning •questionnaires •Therearetwomainobjectives...
1.Journalistsarehumanbeingsliketherestofus.Wecannotexpectthemtobecompletelyobjectivewhenfacedwithdifficultsituations,andwecannotexpecttheirreportstobecompletelyaccurateasaresult.More Skimming 2.Journalistssometimeshavetomakedifficultdecisionsabouthow,andwhat,toreport.Itisimportantforeveryonetorealizehowdifficultthesedecisions...