F·L·帕蒂称它为“在美国听到的第一部真正浪漫主义作品,从中看到了“圣诞老人的美”“the first distinctly romantic note heard in America” and “The Beauties of Santa Cruz”。作品中既有对社会的抗议,又有对自然的赞美,其后期作品采用了这种风格blending the praise of nature with social protest, in ...
最新高级英语1-Unit4-Oxford-教案-ppt精品ppt课件 Contents 1 WarmUp 2 GlobalReading 3 DetailedReading 4 TextAppreciation 5 ConsolidationActivities 6 FurtherEnhancement Section1:WarmUp Lead-in BackgroundInformation Lookatthetwopictures,andanswerthefollowingquestions.1.Howwillyoudescribethetowninthepictures?2....
随笔InteractiveModeIIIBackPre-readingBackgroundInformationCompoundDictationWatchandDiscussNHCE课文小结导入写作BackgroundInformation课文小结导入写作Back1.ErnestHemingway(1899-1961)背景知识 复合听写 视频讨论 随笔AsoneofthemostfamousAmericannovelists,shortstorywritersandessayists,Hemingwaywasawardedthe1954NobelPrizeforLiter...
OnHeroes,HeroWorshipand theHeroicinHistory(1841) andPastandPresent(1843). JohnRuskin(1819-1900) artist,scientist,poet,environmentalist,philosopher,andthepre-eminentartcriticofhistime. …thatlogic,farfrombeingadry…passion,andtrauma. Metaphorandhyperbole.It’sametaphorcomparinglogictoalivinghumanbeing.Itisahy...
The poem ends with the funeral of the hero: Thus made their mourning the men of Greatland, For their hero’s passing, his hearth-companions Quoth that of all the kings of earth, Of men he was the mildest and most beloved, To his kin the kindest, keenest to praise. Beowulf 口头传承...
And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truththat a hero lies in you SingaSong It’s a long roadwhen you face the world alone No one reaches out a handfor you to hold ...
There is no other gods besides me(神唯一) (2)You shall not make and worship images or idols(不得崇拜偶像). (3) You shall not make wrongful use of the name of God(不得妄称上帝的名). (4) Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy(要守安息日). (5) Honor your father and your mother(...
19 Other people may celebrate the lofty conversations in which the great minds are supposed to have indulged in the great salons of 18th century Paris Other people may praise and like the supposed (想象上的) grand conversations of distinguished people in the great salons of 18th century Paris....