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Background Information (I) Introduction about the author (1) Gore, Al (1948- ), vice president of the United States (1993-2001) under President Bill Clinton and the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2000 election. In one of the closest and most disputed elections in U.S...
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初中高中毕业考试等等 BackgroundInformation StephenHawking AlbertEinstein Frankenstein BeforeReadingGlobalReadingDetailedReadingAfterReadingSupplementaryReading 这种考风将使学校的学风每况愈下,手机作弊是愈演愈烈,我们平时的月考、期中期末考试、初中高中毕业考试等等 StephenHawking BriefIntroductiontoStephenHawking Chronology...
(1987). A trustee of the New York Public Library, Goldsmith also serves on the Presidents Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History. Key words: Madame Curie Radioactivity Woman Scientist Price Part 1 (Para. 1-3) background knowledge, why the writer idolized Marie Curie These...
Thestudyofallwaterenvironments,andtheplants,animals,andorganismsthatliveinthem. http://habitatnews.nus.edu.sg/news/pulauhantu/images/LIT0007%20blog.jpg Background About¾ofourEarthiswater;withoutwater,lifeonEarthasweknowitwouldnotexist. Theoceanisoneofourlastfrontiers–thelastplacestodiscover. Sinceth...
Lead-inBackgroundInformation 1.SomeNobelLaureatesinLiteratureinthelastfewyears andthereasons:2012,ChinesewriterMoYan,“whowithhallucinatoryrealismmergesfolktales,historyandthecontemporary”;2011,SwedishwriterTomasTranströmer,“because,throughhiscondensed,translucentimages,hegivesusfreshaccesstoreality”;...