积累基本词汇和句式 2.提升语篇的分析能力 3.背诵精美段落为作文奠基,Background of the story:,Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years ...
Unit 13 background and detailed study课件.ppt,Unit 13 Christmas Contents I Background II Questions III Text structure IV The Writing style V Language points VI Discussion VII Homework 巫溶帮劈闭褐瑞圾饵拦闹镐明庇胎抨窜拴冷霸菜硝吓蚁较用每讲觉氮稀湖Unit
1、1ANNES BEST FRIEND2Watch a piece of video and know about the background information.3安妮日记安妮日记的背景的背景安妮日记安妮日记是以一个小女孩的视角记述二战期间密室里的人是以一个小女孩的视角记述二战期间密室里的人的生活实录。第二次世界大战的后期的生活实录。第二次世界大战的后期(19421944年年...
NovelReadingandCulturalBackgroundNovelReadingandCriticalThinkingNovelreadingandcrossculturalcommunication 目录 CONTENT TheImportanceofNovelReading 01 Readingcomprehension 01 Byreadingnovels,studentscanimprovetheircomprehensionskills,whichareessentialforunderstandingwrittenmaterialsandcriticalthinking Vocabularyexpansion 02 Novels...
英语新闻媒体报刊阅读 English News Media Reading 主讲教师 夏铁华 刘宏升 第一讲 意义和背景 Lecture One Why to Read and What to Read Part One Why to Read 随着加入WTO,对外开放进一步扩大,改革逐步加深,对外交流日益频繁。通过媒体报纸更深地了解世界、更多地获取信息,成了我们站在时代潮头、把握机遇、高...
1.BackgroundInformation2.FourReadingModels 3.ThreeKindsofReadingStrategies 4.ReadingProcess ReadingStrategy ReadingStrategy 1.1Whatisreadingstrategy?Pritchard(1990)definesastrategyasadeliberateactionthatreaderstakevoluntarilytodevelopanunderstandingofwhattheyread.Kellerman(1983)definesastrategyasa“wellorganizedapproach...
Find all the figures of this paragraph 8 Para 2 Topic 2: The background of finding artemisinin 30 December 1930 1955 1967 commius ed patient 3.Read Para 3 4 and answer the questions. (1). What difficulties did they meet in finding the treatment for malaria? (2). What did Tu do ...
Reading 1: Family Day Unit 1 Background Information Background Information Family Day Family Day -- A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children was launched in 2001 by The National Center on was launched in 2001 by The National Center on ...
2020年新译林江苏地区必修一unit4Readingppt课件 Book1Unit4 Lookinggood,feelinggood JiangsuXinhaiSeniorHighSchool 1 Leadin Comparethetwopictures,whichfigure(身材)doyouprefer?Why?Healthisbeauty.2 Ifyouareoverweight,whatwillyoudo ?eathealthily exerciseregularly Waysoflosing …weightskip meals???takeweight-...