这是名牌大学老师以书本为模型自己做的第五版曼昆经济学原理PPT,有很强的概括性,省去了冗长的文字,以精简的文字与图片几乎完美的将书本知识讲解了出来。能让同学们在短时间内掌握掌握书本知识! 姜威龙| 863页|15.01MB|13次下载| 5.0 (3人评价) 我要评价: ...
Get more background information on your topic, which can help you find your focus. Narrow down your topic by limiting it to a specific perspective, time period or geographic area,Unit 1Economics,Writing,2. Do Task 1/ Writing, and discuss with your classmates why some of the topics are ...
Background Listening Detailed Reading TEXT II 2 3 1 About Li Ka-shing About the Author Background Group Assignment Detailed Reading TEXT III About the Author – Michael Schuman Michael Schuman is an American author and journalist who specializes in Asian economics, politics and history. He is ...
高级英语(第三版)第二册第十四课 Faustian Economics.ppt,省级精品课程 《高级英语》第三版第二册 制作人:徐李洁 Lesson 14 Faustian Economics Wendell Berry Teaching Objectives To know the background knowledge of the author, Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus ,Exodus,
财经英语 Financial and Economic English;Review of Former Units -- Unit 1;economics material requisite decision making value judgment industrial relations social forces economic system historical background political forces;What is the basic economic problem? Scarcity which wants are to be satisfied first...
Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 8;Time;Time;;Time;Time;Background Information -main;Economics; The process of creating the goods and services is called production. There are three major factors in production. The first is land. Land can mean a large farm or a tiny workshop. Land also ...
15、 devalue, lessen, cut down)(五)惯用符号(缩写)Cf表示“比较”(compare)vs = againsti.e = that is to say二、 常用字母c表示“世纪”(century),比如“21世纪”可以写成21ce表示“经济”(economy, economic, economics)n表示“很多个”(many, much, several)W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它...
,,,background Under,,,the,,,gold,,,standard,,,each,,,n ation’s,,,currency,,,was,,,backed,,,by,,, ,,gold,,,and,,,had,,,a,,,fixed,,,price,,,in, ,,,terms,,,of,,,gold Imports,,,and,,,exports,,,were,,,paid,,,fo r,,,in...
1.economicsn.经济学 EconomicsAndBusiness(经济、商学)EconomicsAndBusinessLaw(经济法和商法)InternationalEconomicsandBusiness(国际经济与商 务)EconomicsforMaterials(物资经济学)Economicsofmanagement(管理经济学)Economicsofscale(规模经济学、经济规模)Economicsofindustry(工业经济学)Economicsoftechnologyand...
Thebalanceofpaymentsistherecordoftheeconomicsandfinancialflowsthattakeplaceoveraspecifiedtimeperiodbetweenresidentsandnon-residentsofagivencountry.Note:specifiedtime;resident;flow Table1.1StandardcomponentsofthebalanceofpaymentsCurrentaccountExportsfob-Importsfob=Tradebalance+Exportsofnon-financialservices-Importsofnon-...