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21世纪大学实用英语第一册unit1PPT Preview ThisisthefirstunitofBookOne.IntheListeningandSpeakingsection,youwilllearnhowtostartaconversationwithotherpeopleandhowtotalkaboutyourself.IntheReadingandWritingsection,TextAtellsusaboutthetransitiontheauthorexperiencedfromhighschooltocollege;TextBtellsuswhatthewriterwantsfrom...
.1 TextBook 商务英语写作(修订版)BUSINESSENGLISHWRITING 胡英坤车丽娟主编外语教学与研究出版社2013.8 2023/11/10 .2 Contents 1AnOverviewofBusinessW商务ri写tin作g概述2StructureandStyleofBus商in务e信s函s的Le结t构te与rs格式3Sales-relatedInquiriesand询R盘e与p回li复es4OrdersandConfirmationL订e单tt与er...
B: Thank you.;Culture Tips (on page 34) L1 debit card ? A?debit card?is a bank card that you can use to pay for things. When you use it the money is taken out of your bank account immediately. 借记卡 借记卡(Debit Card)是指先存款后消费(或取现)没有透支功能的银行卡。 L2 ...
It takes place on May 1st and lasts until the next day. On each island they hold different activities, which you can promote with the help of this fun blue and cream... Multi-purpose 16:9 Like Download Native American Indigenous People Awareness Thesis Defense We know you have been...
Please revise the paragraph on Page 17 with words in a more acceptable style. The author has put a terrific lot into her book and she comes up with some pretty good ideas. She really goes to town over horror films. According to her these films help you get rid of hang-ups as well ...
Yes,you should.6.The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.7.The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.8.Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors in time.9.Put ...
3. The conference will provide a forum for all participants to share new ideas and present new findings in the field of resource development and sustainable development. I. Introducing the theme of a conference 4. The 16thAnnual International Conference on racial discrimination will be held in ...