All you need are a PPS Account Number/Login Name and a 8-digit Internet Password. Haven’t got a PPS account? Please bring your ATM card to the PPS Registration Terminal located at designated Circle K Convenience Stores, HKT Shops, AEON branches and some major banks to register. For more...
All you need are a PPS Account Number/Login Name and a 8-digit Internet Password. Haven’t got a PPS account? Please bring your ATM card to the PPS Registration Terminal located at designated Circle K Convenience Stores, HKT Shops, AEON branches and some major banks to register. For more...
Via PPS on Mobile, you can login your PPS account anytime and settle bills from over 900 merchants with just a few clicks. • Pay bills You can register new bills and pay your bills directly across over 30 categories, such as: ● Credit cards ● Telecommunications ● Property management ...
OpsControl’s Airport WeatherWatch is included in the PPS Flight Planning subsription. Try it out today! Login with your PPS account credentials via the button link below. Click here to access WeatherWatch Flight Planning SoftwareSolutions for aviation professionals. ...
Reports on Barraclough Hall Woolston Gray's successful bid to handle the through-the-line account for the Postal Preference Service in Great Britain. Controversy concerning the service; Royal Mail and Dutch Post Office's ...
- Log in to your account on - Navigate to the "Profile > Preferences" tab - Under “Printed Mail”, check the box to receive ‘Priority’ Alternatively, you may or access app-exclusive stories on digital Priority anytime at your convenience via the SingaporeAir mobile app....
Unlock more miles with KrisShopper Link your KrisFlyer account to KrisShop’s loyalty programme to enjoy an increased earn rate of up to 4 miles per S$1 spent on your purchases. Earn more miles Discover our latest partner promotions.
(1) day for your membership to be upgraded to Solitaire PPS Club. Any PPS Value in excess of the 50,000 PPS Value required for qualification before this upgrade takes place will be credited as Reserve Value. Any valid Reserve Value from your PPS Club membership will remain in your account...
Just make sure in PPS system to set the payment day 1 day before bill due date (just to avoid any accident for late payment that cause credit card interest penalty). And make sure your bank saving account (the bank account associated with the PSS account) have enough money on...
Global Account:Send money to countries and hold balances in multiple currencies, all in one place. You can also get major currency account details for aone-off feeto receive overseas payments like a local Access to BatchTransfer: Pay up to 1000 invoices in one click. Save time, money, and...