preoccupation / 9pri:CkjU5peIFn; pri9BkjE`peFEn/ n 1 [U] (a) state of being preoccupied; absent-mindedness 占据思 想 ; 心不在焉 . (b) ~ (with sth) state of constantly thinking or worrying about sth; obsession 全神贯注; 苦思苦想; 缠在心头; 如痴如迷: She found his preoccupatio...
ensuring that it meets rigorous safety standards. The charger's display screen is absent, which not only saves space but also contributes to its sleek design. This charger is an essential accessory for anyone who values convenience, efficiency, and safety in their daily charging routine. Whether ...
preoccupation / 9pri:CkjU5peIFn; pri9BkjE`peFEn/ n 1 [U] (a) state of being preoccupied; absent-mindedness 占据思 想 ; 心不在焉 . (b) ~ (with sth) state of constantly thinking or worrying about sth; obsession 全神贯注; 苦思苦想; 缠在心头; 如痴如迷: She found his preoccupatio...
00 = TC1, encodes the extra guard time, the same as above. C0 = TD1, bitwise as 11000000, bits 8 to 5 state whether TA2, for bit 5, TB2, for bit 6, TC2 for bit 7, TD2 for bit 8 are present or absent, here means TC2 and TD2 exist. bit4 to bit1 are fo...
However, absent a feedback mechanism, such as the servoloop utilized to synchronize the slave line card and the timing cards, the ToD distribution to the master line cards may lack desired precision due to, e.g., trace differences, path length differences, driver differences, voltage ...
Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( &
To absent friends. Preface About the book The ess of the information society The rapid progress of the “information society” in the past decade has been made possible by the removal of many technical barriers. Producing, storing, and transporting infor ...
Histochemical assays showed that the GUS expression of this 267-bp region was highly presented in leaves and stems, but reduced or absent in other tissues examined. The GUS expression level of this core promoter region could be 14.6- to 21.6-fold higher than that of the full-length region ...
The GPS device can take a while to get a fix from a cold start. In normal circumstances the indicator will progress from black/absent -> orange -> green over the course of some minutes after a boot, with the satellite count increasing accordingly. This doesn't apply to a reboot, if th...
Absent 1.0 0 Dyspnea at restpresent Absent 3.5 0 Deliriumpresent Absent 4.0 0 《中文版》 姑息功能评分 10-20 4 30-50 2.5 ≥60 0 食量 中等程度减少* 1 严重减少** 2.5 正常*** 0 水肿有 没有 1.0 0 休息时呼吸困难有 没有 3.5 0 瞻望有 没有 4.0 0 *食量减少但比吃几口多,**只能吃几...