Python 版本的 PPPwn 需手工执行,且并不是每次都能执行成功(尝试几十次都有可能,效率很低),可使用 C++ 重写版PPPwn_cpp,能够在失败时自动重试且无需依赖 Python 环境,效率大大提升。 在Releases页面直接下载编译好的可执行版本,如 。 在macOS 上,下载后需要执行sudo xattr -rd com.ap...
Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Mintneko / PPPwn_cpp Public forked from stooged/PPPwn_cpp Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights ...
C++ rewrite of PPPwn. Contribute to stooged/PPPwn_cpp development by creating an account on GitHub.
Python版本的 PPPwn 需手工执行,且并不是每次都能执行成功(尝试几十次都有可能,效率很低),可使用 C++ 重写版PPPwn_cpp[8],能够在失败时自动重试且无需依赖 Python 环境,效率大大提升。 在Releases[9]页面直接下载编译好的可执行版本,如。 在macOS 上,下载后需要执行sudo xattr -rd ...
【11.0系统工具】 PPPwn_cpp中文页面提高加载速度C++版+ GoldHEN_v2.4b17修正版下载地址(由星辰用户jyaler1发布):请点击登录后查看信息。热门推荐【6.72】【5.05降级】PS4《热血硬派国夫君外传 热血少女》中文版pkg下载v1.02 【5.05】PS4《丛林地狱 Green Hell》 中文版PKG下载v1.07 【5.05】PS4《手动的塞缪尔 ...
Mintneko / PPPwn_cpp Public forked from stooged/PPPwn_cpp Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Files main .github cmake include src tests .clang-format .gitignore CMakeLists.txt LICENSE endian.patch Breadcrumbs PPPwn_cpp / .clang-format Latest commit xfangfang Add simple testsMay 9...
For--no-wait-padi, by default,pppwn_cppwill wait for twoPADIrequest, according toTheOfficialFloW/PPPwn/pull/48this helps to improve stability. You can turn off this feature with this parameter if you don't need it. For--wait-after-pin, according toSiSTR0/PPPwn/pull/1set this paramete...
C++ rewrite of PPPwn (PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE). Contribute to xfangfang/PPPwn_cpp development by creating an account on GitHub.
stooged/PPPwn_cppPublic forked fromxfangfang/PPPwn_cpp NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork3 Star2 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files main .github cmake
stooged/PPPwn_cppPublic forked fromxfangfang/PPPwn_cpp NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork2 Star2 Files main .github cmake include src exploit.cpp main.cpp packet.cpp tests .clang-format .gitignore