openwrt自动运行pppwn,整合openwrt路由aarch64和mipsel和arm(cortex_a7)和arm(pi_zero_w)和x86_64包,兼容PS4(v9.00/10.00/10.01/11.00),web页面http://路由ip/pppwn.html 以RAX3000M(aarch64架构)刷过openwrt的路由,PS4 10.01版本为例 准备工作下载winscp软件,对应路由器架构的pppwn文件(在路由终端中使用...
使用openwrt路由按钮触发漏洞 1、通过 SSH工具winscp 连接到路由器并进入到 /etc/rc.button 2、查看列出的可用按钮,找到您要替换的按钮,例如wps 3、编辑wps按钮脚本,删除if语句中的所有内容并将其替换为cd /root/pppwn_wrt && ./ 4、现在,当您按下wps按钮时,它将运行脚本 5、另可设置LED指示灯显示...
PPPwn on OpenWRT A method of running PPPwn on an OpenWRT-based router. Supported Routers You can check to see if your router is supportedhere. Once OpenWRT is installed, you will need to temporarily connect the router to the internet. You can do this in the LuCI web interface by follo...
PPPwn on OpenWRT A method of running PPPwn on an OpenWRT-based router. Supported Routers You can check to see if your router is supportedhere. Prerequisites Once OpenWRT is installed, you will need to temporarily connect the router to the internet. You can do this in the LuCI web interf...
24-八月电视盒ec6108自动折腾PS4_goldhen2 废旧运营商电视盒【华为ec6108 咪咕盒海思Hi3798m】自动折腾PS4解锁限制,卡刷hinas海纳斯之后挂载docker即可。感谢pppwn大神 xfanfan EmuMaster欢迎咨询交流#hinas海思3798m #ps4折腾版金手指 #机顶盒刷机 #索尼游戏机 #openwrt_armbian_pppwn 相比用矿客云wky便宜很多,...
很棒,是破解方法的一种,我用另一种,root的安卓盒子,装破解app,只要通电自动开机到破解完成,只花费2~5分钟,破解完成后,盒子自动关机,都不用动手,我很满意,不过盒子一定要有网路孔才行,网路孔连结ps4,ps4也要先设定好网路PPPoe方式 来自Android客户端6楼2024-09-29 18:50 收起回复 听话...
很棒,是破解方法的一种,我用另一种,root的安卓盒子,装破解app,只要通电自动开机到破解完成,只花费2~5分钟,破解完成后,盒子自动关机,都不用动手,我很满意,不过盒子一定要有网路孔才行,网路孔连结ps4,ps4也要先设定好网路PPPoe方式 来自Android客户端6楼2024-09-29 18:50 收起回复 听话...
5600 -- 9:18 App [资深玩家]PS4折腾后自动联网openwrt安装版 2537 -- 5:05 App PS4折腾后离线激活账户并配置网络串流 3049 3 9:00 App PS4最新版GoldHEN金手指使用指北 1.3万 3 0:10 App 【饥荒联机版】关于更新最新消息 2576 2 8:44 App [资深玩家]用飞牛OS的Docker折腾PS4 674 -- 10...
2.How to use a GUI tool to run PPPwn on Windows 3.How to manually update PS4 firmware 4.How to install FPKGS 5.How to set up PPPwn on a OpenWRT compatible router(by FalsePhilosopher) 6.How-To-Use-Cheats-and-Patches-On-PS4...