Aleurites montana exhibits a strongly CO2-dependent photosynthesis which partially explains the observed stimulatory effect of 700 ppm CO2 on growth of the plant. In control plants grown in normal air, photorespiration measured simultaneously with photosynthesis via the uptake of l80 2 in the light, ...
4.For example, a concentration of just 35 ppm of carbon monoxide in the air is poisonous to us. 例如,空气中浓度仅为 35 ppm 一氧化碳对我们来说是有毒。机翻 「TED-Ed(视频版)」 5.The last part of the inscription was 415 ppm CO2, the record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ...
Data has been measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii as it constitutes the longest record of direct carbon dioxide measurements in the atmosphere. CO₂ expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm. Open this statistic in... Spanish Citation formats Citation...
STCC4 CO₂ sensor with unmatched form factor for indoor air quality applications Sensor CO₂ New SEK-STC31-C CO₂ evaluation kit STC31-C Evaluation kit CO₂ New STC31-C CO₂ accuracy of ±(0.2 - 2.0 vol%) @0-100 vol% ...
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co2_mole_fractionµmol a-1Units indicate mole fraction per mole of air (a-1)co2_mixing_ratio...
The Touch Screen IAQ Profile system has been designed to give a visual representation of indoor air quality in a building, as part of the buildings management standards in relation to conditions such asSick Building Syndrome The user is able to navigate through the various sensors simply by touch...
025CARBON MONOXIDE�LENGTH-OF-STAIN��FOR 1 PUMP STROKE(100ml)�ppm IN AIR会员登录 × 请输入账号 请输入密码 = 请输验证码 立即登录新用户注册收藏该商铺 X 该信息已收藏! 查看我的收藏夹设置标签 标签: 添加 保存成功 (空格分隔,最多3个,单个标签最...
TRANSMITTER, RATE OF FLOW, IN-FLIGHT REFUELING, 0-10,000 PPM, TYPE MB-3 作废 标准号 AIR FORCE MIL-PRF-25439 B-1997 1997年 发布单位 (美国)空军 适用范围 本规范涵盖一种类型的空中加油流量和燃油 β-ansmitier,指定为 MB-3 型。 购买 正式版 ...