parallel_do和parallel_for_each:将算法应用于一个区间 vector<size_t>v; parallel_do(v.begin(), v.end(), [](size_t i){cout<< i <<endl; }); parallel_for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](size_t i){cout<< i << endl; }); parallel_reduce 类似于map_reduce,但是有区别。它先将区...
const __declspec(selectany) GUID PPLParallelForEventGuid = { 0x31c8da6b, 0x6165, 0x4042, { 0x8b, 0x92, 0x94, 0x9e, 0x31, 0x5f, 0x4d, 0x84 } }; Configuration requise En-tête :concrt.h Accès concurrentiel del'espace de noms : ...
PPL 中的并行算法(如 Concurrency::parallel_for)基于任务组生成。 因此,您可以使用许多相同的技术来取消并行算法。下面的示例说明了几种取消并行算法的方法。下面的示例使用 Concurrency::structured_task_group::run_and_wait 方法调用 parallel_for 算法。 structured_task_group::run_and_wait 方法等待提供的任务...
Le prestazioni di parallel_for_each dipendono dall'operazione che richiede più tempo. Pertanto, non c'era da aspettarsi un miglioramento lineare delle prestazioni tra la versione seriale e quella parallela di questo esempio.Argomenti correlatiEspandi la tabella ...
Then, the phoneme labeling for each group is carried out in parallel. An unspecified speaker is assumed to be suitable to one of the parallel branches. Through experiments, the PPL method showed a better performance than the usual method with only a single universal reference pattern set.Imai...
beginTime =;#pragmaomp parallel#pragmaomp forfor(inti =0; i < size; ++i ) { vecResult[i] = vecTest[i] + vecTest2[i]; } endTime =; timeTaken = endTime - beginTime; std::cout <<"The time taken for the OpenMP function to execute was:...
Like HMC/NUTS, all remaining MCMC algorithms support enumeration over discrete latent variables if possible (seerestrictions). Enumerated sites need to be marked withinfer={'enumerate': 'parallel'}like in theannotation example. NestedSampleroffers a wrapper forjaxns. SeeJAXNS's readthedocsfor example...
In addition, the parallel_for construct now takes an optional parameter – the partitioner. This allows you to get the best performance out of your parallel loop. There are four partitioners - auto (default), fixed for iterations of the same size, simple for small loops, and affi...
Parallel algorithms in the PPL, for example,Concurrency::parallel_for, build on task groups. Therefore, you can use many of the same techniques to cancel a parallel algorithm. The following examples illustrate several ways to cancel a parallel algorithm. ...
# generate new onnx.pb.* for pplnn set(__LLM_GENERATED_DIR__ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${__LLM_GENERATED_DIR__}) set(__PROTO_DIR__ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/onnx) set(__ONNX_GENERATED_FILES__ "${__LLM_GENERATED_DIR__}/onnx.pb.h;${__LL...