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Geibdorfer W,Ratajczak A,Hillen W.Transcription of ppk from Acinetobacter spstrain ADP1,encoding a putative polyphosphate kinase,is induced by phosphate starvation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 1998Transcription of ppk from Acinetobacter sp. strain ADP1, encoding a putative polyphosphate ...
A population pharmacokinetic (PPK) analysis of dalfopristin/quinupristin (D/Q), a new injectable antibioticClinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, the most cited journal publishing primary investigation in pharmacology and pharmacy, is the authoritative, cross-disciplinary journal in experimental and clinical...
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Over Expression of PPK-1, known to lead to over-production of PIP2, exacerbates necrotic neurodegeneration.Nazila TehraniJohn Del RosarioMoises DominguezRobert KalbItzhak Mano
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