The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.4% in September. Year-over-year PPI inflation data came in at 8.5%. Meanwhile, the index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services moved up 5.6%. Considering that the September PPI report data came in hi...
On the Meaning and Measurement of Product Differentiation in International Trade: A Reply In her comment Bhatia accepts two of the three points which we made !n our paper. However, she is unhappy with our suggestion of using hedonic price indexes based on regression methods as an alternative to...
andPPIinRecentYears NameZhangXiaojing MajorQuantitativeeconomics ResearchOrientationMacroeconomicsQuantitativeanalysis SchoolSchoolofStatistics TutorLiBaoyu June2,2018 山西财经大学硕士学位论文 1 摘要 CPI与PPI作为衡量经济发展、通货膨胀信息的先行指标,两者虽在应用领域 存在差异,但两者长期变化趋势应大致一致。最近几年...
However, "justifiable homicide" is a narrowly-defined legal term, meaning the killing of an assailant in self-defense, and as a last resort. For example, shooting someone for stealing your car is not considered justifiable homicide (unless your life is in danger). More on this below. And ...