Research conducted by the authors to give the conclusion, that: the implementation of Final Income Tax by Government Regulation No. 46 of 2013 on the CV. Yellow Duck Banjarbaru, concludes that: New tariff calculation based on PP. 46 of 2013 there is no need for fiscal correction, because ...
Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak (PTKP)免征个税额度的作用是在计算PPh第21条时作为纳税人(WP)净收入的减项。 1. 免征税额度PTKP TK(Tidak Kawin)未婚人员: TK/O (无抚养人/赡养人) = Rp. 54.000.000 TK/1 (1 位抚养人/赡养人) = Rp. 58.500.000 TK/2 (2 位抚养人/赡养人) = Rp. 63.000.000 ...