Supervisor (在职员工) - Huntsville, AL - 2019年11月30日 Good company to work for overall good pay good benefits good hours need some help in their managing tho communication terrible they don't jump directly in problems or questions needs to be more open with the employees 这篇点评对您有用...
Network Technician/ Production Finisher (在职员工) - Huntsville, AL - 2012年5月13日 Management has turned a good company into a money hungry, and unconcerned about the employee environment. 缺点 health care, pension, safety procedures 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 3.0 excellent place to ...
Overall, I feel my job is terrible.They give you no time off, work too many hours, and always expect more.No relief, no appreciation. Three different shifts in a matter of a few months. Moral is at an all time low, with no one in management planning on helping to change that. More...