Assistant Store Manager (在职员工) - United States - 2022年1月26日 Upper management is only worried about the bottom line and never thinks of its customers or employee. You are just a number working for this company and every year they will figure a way to take from it employees; wether...
INSIDE STORE SALES SPECIALIST (在职员工) - Jacksonville, FL - 2012年8月26日 Job is not stressful at all. Management doesn't care to reward employees. Raises rarely ever happen. Most in store employees are part time unless you're an assistant or store manager. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 ...
优点 Free lunches bonuses 缺点 Benefits, breathing in powder, management, low pay 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 1.0 Not a very respectful place to work. Production Worker(在职员工)-Springdale, PA-2021年12月1日 Overall, I feel my job is terrible.They give you no time off, work too...