PPFAS mutual fund is Best Value Mutual Fund for Long Term Investing. Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund and parag parikh liquid fund schemes belongs to PPFAS
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Growth - Direct Plan Equity - Flexi Cap Fund May -2013 1.99 14.59 88004.52 Parag Parikh Liquid Fund - Growth - Direct Plan Debt - Liquid Fund May -2018 0.17 6.85 2425.86Pages About us Why PersonalFN Our Services Terms of use Privacy policy Sitemap Whitelist...
PPFAS, Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services, is the only fund house that offers the least number of funds (3 currently, Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund, Parag Parikh Liquid Fund, Parag Parikh Tax Saver Fund). They believe thattoo many choices lead to decision paralysis and confuse investors.Th...
Dynamic Asset Allocation is a type of hybrid mutual fund also known as aBalanced advantage fund, this fund is similar to a flexible portfolio that can include equities and debt, In the dynamic asset allocation strategy, there is no predetermined or fixed asset mix required for the fund. The ...
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