When you sell an investment, stocks, Mutual Funds(Debt and Equity), real estate, gold you can get Capital Gains or Capital Loss. These are taxable and have to be reported in ITR(Income Tax Return) in the financial year when you made the sale. To assess your tax liability and file your...
Liquid vs Short Term vs Ultra Short vs Gilt Debt Funds August 6, 2020,Nidhi,No Comment Debt funds are the ideal investment option for those who want higher returns but at a lower risk. These funds are generally mutual funds having low volatility. Debt funds invest in fixed-interest generatin...
Even when I am asking you to open a PPF for your children, it doesn’t mean that you should save only via the PPF route for their goals (like Higher Education and Marriage Planning). These arelong term goals that require equity heavy investment plan. But that doesn’t mean you should ...
Difference Between Provident Fund and Pension Fund Difference Between Investment and Speculation Difference Between Debt and Equity Difference Between Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Mutual Funds